Wednesday, October 12, 2011
American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut
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Friday, October 7, 2011
Texans Target The Fed
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
Targeting The Real Enemy: Occupy The Fed!!
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From Troy Davis to Occupy Wall Street: How the Prison System Destroys the American Dream
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The people of Occupy Wall Street are protesting our country's growing inequality--and nowhere is this inequality more acutely felt than the makeup of our prison population. READ MORE {ALL THAT IS EVIL WILL BE EXPOSED}
Thursday, November 19, 2009
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
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All right if some of you are wondering where i been well i been studying a lot and i got lot's of things about to go down. Soon i will unveil that secret {thats up on top} i been working on many things getting things together so that even newbies can get the information they need for there research. But the full launch wont happen till November because there is a lot of work to be done. To the most of you that stay loyal to this blog i appreciate it. Thank you tell your friends and support it tell your friends and if anybody wants to contact me here is my email. fuck it let the spammers get it i need help from the community out there if you can help me out please drop me a buzz im not asking for money {but it will be nice lol} but asking for help in all angles if you have a skill and want to contribute let me know.
Now i know im probably behind on whats going on so bare with me i will catch you up and my self. I know those who follow this blog come here for the info yeah i know i just reblog what is on other websites and the reason i do that is for beginners who come to this site can get acquainted to alternative media and all that there is too offer i will soon begin to generate original content got some good stuff that i got through my travels plus im working on a book oh yes a book and some of you will get a free copy of it.
Well i gots to go for now but contact me you got the info hit me up.
Peace And Blessings
{ALL THAT IS EVIL WILL BE EXPOSED} fuck it let the spammers get it i need help from the community out there if you can help me out please drop me a buzz im not asking for money {but it will be nice lol} but asking for help in all angles if you have a skill and want to contribute let me know.
Now i know im probably behind on whats going on so bare with me i will catch you up and my self. I know those who follow this blog come here for the info yeah i know i just reblog what is on other websites and the reason i do that is for beginners who come to this site can get acquainted to alternative media and all that there is too offer i will soon begin to generate original content got some good stuff that i got through my travels plus im working on a book oh yes a book and some of you will get a free copy of it.
Well i gots to go for now but contact me you got the info hit me up.
Peace And Blessings
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Crooked Florida Cops Caught Plotting To Frame Motorist!
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Police brutality
Illuminated One |
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
WeAreChange crew confronting Mafia Don Jay Rockefeller
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Videos of Power
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WeAreChange crew confronting Mafia Don Jay Rockefeller
You might be insane if.....
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Videos of Power
Illuminated One |
Matthews and his guests are implying that anyone who doubts the government’s official 9/11 story Is psychologically insane and may need treatment.
These people are the biggest tools on the face of this earth.other than i believe obama is American but the rest im a believer 9/11 was an inside job,bilderburg are part of a conspiracy.Any way check this out for your self.
These people are the biggest tools on the face of this earth.other than i believe obama is American but the rest im a believer 9/11 was an inside job,bilderburg are part of a conspiracy.Any way check this out for your self.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Disturbing: Police Caught Red Handed Gang Beating A Girl!
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Police brutality
Illuminated One |
Friday, July 24, 2009
The man that brought you Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone is now america's food safety czar
The man that brought you Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone is now america's food safety czar
Published on 07-23-2009
Source: Huffington Post - Jeffrey Smith
The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is no joke.
Here's the back story.
When FDA scientists were asked to weigh in on what was to become the most radical and potentially dangerous change in our food supply -- the introduction of genetically modified (GM) foods -- secret documents now reveal that the experts were very concerned. Memo after memo described toxins, new diseases, nutritional deficiencies, and hard-to-detect allergens. They were adamant that the technology carried "serious health hazards," and required careful, long-term research, including human studies, before any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could be safely released into the food supply.
But the biotech industry had rigged the game so that neither science nor scientists would stand in their way. They had placed their own man in charge of FDA policy and he wasn't going to be swayed by feeble arguments related to food safety. No, he was going to do what corporations had done for decades to get past these types of pesky concerns. He was going to lie.
Dangerous Food Safety Lies
When the FDA was constructing their GMO policy in 1991-2, their scientists were clear that gene-sliced foods were significantly different and could lead to "different risks" than conventional foods. But official policy declared the opposite, claiming that the FDA knew nothing of significant differences, and declared GMOs substantially equivalent.
This fiction became the rationale for allowing GM foods on the market without any required safety studies whatsoever! The determination of whether GM foods were safe to eat was placed entirely in the hands of the companies that made them -- companies like Monsanto, which told us that the PCBs, DDT, and Agent Orange were safe.
GMOs were rushed onto our plates in 1996. Over the next nine years, multiple chronic illnesses in the US nearly doubled -- from 7% to 13%. Allergy-related emergency room visits doubled between 1997 and 2002 while food allergies, especially among children, skyrocketed. We also witnessed a dramatic rise in asthma, autism, obesity, diabetes, digestive disorders, and certain cancers.
Published on 07-23-2009
Source: Huffington Post - Jeffrey Smith
The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is no joke.
Here's the back story.
When FDA scientists were asked to weigh in on what was to become the most radical and potentially dangerous change in our food supply -- the introduction of genetically modified (GM) foods -- secret documents now reveal that the experts were very concerned. Memo after memo described toxins, new diseases, nutritional deficiencies, and hard-to-detect allergens. They were adamant that the technology carried "serious health hazards," and required careful, long-term research, including human studies, before any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could be safely released into the food supply.
But the biotech industry had rigged the game so that neither science nor scientists would stand in their way. They had placed their own man in charge of FDA policy and he wasn't going to be swayed by feeble arguments related to food safety. No, he was going to do what corporations had done for decades to get past these types of pesky concerns. He was going to lie.
Dangerous Food Safety Lies
When the FDA was constructing their GMO policy in 1991-2, their scientists were clear that gene-sliced foods were significantly different and could lead to "different risks" than conventional foods. But official policy declared the opposite, claiming that the FDA knew nothing of significant differences, and declared GMOs substantially equivalent.
This fiction became the rationale for allowing GM foods on the market without any required safety studies whatsoever! The determination of whether GM foods were safe to eat was placed entirely in the hands of the companies that made them -- companies like Monsanto, which told us that the PCBs, DDT, and Agent Orange were safe.
GMOs were rushed onto our plates in 1996. Over the next nine years, multiple chronic illnesses in the US nearly doubled -- from 7% to 13%. Allergy-related emergency room visits doubled between 1997 and 2002 while food allergies, especially among children, skyrocketed. We also witnessed a dramatic rise in asthma, autism, obesity, diabetes, digestive disorders, and certain cancers.
You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal
You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal
Federal law now criminalizes activities that the average person would never dream would land him in prison. Consequently, every year, thousands of upstanding, responsible Americans run afoul of some incomprehensible federal law and end up serving time in federal prison.
With all the attention that's been paid lately to long federal sentences for drug offenders, it's surprising that a far more troubling phenomenon has barely hit the media's radar screen. Every year, thousands of upstanding, responsible Americans run afoul of some incomprehensible federal law or regulation and end up serving time in federal prison.
What is especially disturbing is that it could happen to anyone at all -- and it has.
We should applaud Reps. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), then, for holding a bipartisan hearing today to examine how federal law can make a criminal out of anyone, for even the most mundane conduct.
Federal law in particular now criminalizes entire categories of activities that the average person would never dream would land him in prison. This is an inevitable result of the fact that the criminal law is no longer restricted to punishing inherently wrongful conduct -- such as murder, rape, robbery, and the like.
Moreover, under these new laws, the government can often secure a conviction without having to prove that the person accused even intended to commit a bad act, historically a protection against wrongful conviction.
Laws like this are dangerous in the hands of social engineers and ambitious lawmakers -- not to mention overzealous prosecutors -- bent on using government's greatest civilian power to punish any activity they dislike. So many thousands of criminal offenses are now in federal law that a prominent federal appeals court judge titled his recent essay on this overcriminalization problem, "You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal."
Consider small-time inventor and entrepreneur Krister Evertson, who will testify at today's hearing. Krister never had so much as a traffic ticket before he was run off the road near his mother's home in Wasilla, Alaska, by SWAT-armored federal agents in large black SUVs training automatic weapons on him.
Evertson, who had been working on clean-energy fuel cells since he was in high school, had no idea what he'd done wrong. It turned out that when he legally sold some sodium (part of his fuel-cell materials) to raise cash, he forgot to put a federally mandated safety sticker on the UPS package he sent to the lawful purchaser.
Krister's lack of a criminal record did nothing to prevent federal agents from ransacking his mother's home in their search for evidence on this oh-so-dangerous criminal.
The good news is that a federal jury in Alaska acquitted Krister of all charges. The jurors saw through the charges and realized that Krister had done nothing wrong.
Source: Fox news
Federal law now criminalizes activities that the average person would never dream would land him in prison. Consequently, every year, thousands of upstanding, responsible Americans run afoul of some incomprehensible federal law and end up serving time in federal prison.
With all the attention that's been paid lately to long federal sentences for drug offenders, it's surprising that a far more troubling phenomenon has barely hit the media's radar screen. Every year, thousands of upstanding, responsible Americans run afoul of some incomprehensible federal law or regulation and end up serving time in federal prison.
What is especially disturbing is that it could happen to anyone at all -- and it has.
We should applaud Reps. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), then, for holding a bipartisan hearing today to examine how federal law can make a criminal out of anyone, for even the most mundane conduct.
Federal law in particular now criminalizes entire categories of activities that the average person would never dream would land him in prison. This is an inevitable result of the fact that the criminal law is no longer restricted to punishing inherently wrongful conduct -- such as murder, rape, robbery, and the like.
Moreover, under these new laws, the government can often secure a conviction without having to prove that the person accused even intended to commit a bad act, historically a protection against wrongful conviction.
Laws like this are dangerous in the hands of social engineers and ambitious lawmakers -- not to mention overzealous prosecutors -- bent on using government's greatest civilian power to punish any activity they dislike. So many thousands of criminal offenses are now in federal law that a prominent federal appeals court judge titled his recent essay on this overcriminalization problem, "You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal."
Consider small-time inventor and entrepreneur Krister Evertson, who will testify at today's hearing. Krister never had so much as a traffic ticket before he was run off the road near his mother's home in Wasilla, Alaska, by SWAT-armored federal agents in large black SUVs training automatic weapons on him.
Evertson, who had been working on clean-energy fuel cells since he was in high school, had no idea what he'd done wrong. It turned out that when he legally sold some sodium (part of his fuel-cell materials) to raise cash, he forgot to put a federally mandated safety sticker on the UPS package he sent to the lawful purchaser.
Krister's lack of a criminal record did nothing to prevent federal agents from ransacking his mother's home in their search for evidence on this oh-so-dangerous criminal.
The good news is that a federal jury in Alaska acquitted Krister of all charges. The jurors saw through the charges and realized that Krister had done nothing wrong.
Source: Fox news
Pentagon Furious at FOX
In the spring of this year, the 2nd Battalion of The Rifles regiment of the British Army deployed to Afghanistan. Halfway through the battalion's tour, it has lost nine soldiers, with dozens injured.
Of those to have given their lives, four were teenagers. Here Rifleman Cyrus Thatcher, who was 19 when he was killed by an explosion near Gereshk seven weeks ago, tells his own story, through letters home and the last letter he left behind to bid farewell to his family ? his mother Helena, father Robin and brothers Zac, 21, and Steely, 17.
These are the words of a proud soldier described by his officers as possessing "a rucksack full of potential", and by his friends as a rascal always cracking jokes and helping to keep morale high. Most of all, they are the words of a young son to his mum, dad and brothers.
Source: alternet
Of those to have given their lives, four were teenagers. Here Rifleman Cyrus Thatcher, who was 19 when he was killed by an explosion near Gereshk seven weeks ago, tells his own story, through letters home and the last letter he left behind to bid farewell to his family ? his mother Helena, father Robin and brothers Zac, 21, and Steely, 17.
These are the words of a proud soldier described by his officers as possessing "a rucksack full of potential", and by his friends as a rascal always cracking jokes and helping to keep morale high. Most of all, they are the words of a young son to his mum, dad and brothers.
Source: alternet
12,000 U.S. Children To Be Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs
12,000 U.S. Children To Be Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 24, 2009
Around 12,000 U.S. children will be used as guinea pigs for an experimental swine flu vaccine known to contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.
According to a report in the Oklahoman, 12,000 children nationwide will partake in “fast-tracked studies” to test the side-effects of the untested swine flu vaccine in trials set to begin next month.
“The trials will test the vaccine’s effectiveness and whether or not it has negative side effects in patients,” states the report.
Since less than 100 children in the U.S. die from regular seasonal flu each year, a reasonable estimate would be that around 100 children will die from swine flu over the course of the next year.
So in effect, the authorities will vaccinate millions of children in order to try and prevent 100 deaths. If the mass vaccination program mirrors the previous swine flu outbreak of 1976 then the vaccine is likely to kill more people than the actual virus.
Furthermore, since the swine flu vaccine includes squalene, a dangerous adjuvant that contributed to Gulf War Syndrome cases, there’s little doubt that it will lead to debilitating lifelong diseases far more deadly than the swine flu virus itself for thousands of children if a mass vaccination campaign is conducted.
According to Meryl Nass, M.D., “A novel feature of the two H1N1 vaccines being developed by companies Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline is the addition of squalene-containing adjuvants to boost immunogenicity and dramatically reduce the amount of viral antigen needed. This translates to much faster production of desired vaccine quantities.”
“Research shows that squalene is the experimental anthrax vaccine ingredient that caused devastating autoimmune diseases and deaths for many Gulf War veterans from the US, UK, and Australia, yet it continues in use today and for new vaccines development in labs,” writes Stephen Lendman.
According to award-winning investigative journalist Gary Matsumoto, there’s a “close match between the squalene-induced diseases in animals and those observed in humans injected with this oil: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.”
“There are now data in more than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers, from ten different laboratories in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, documenting that squalene-based adjuvants can induce autoimmune diseases in animals…observed in mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. Sweden’s Karolinska Institute has demonstrated that squalene alone can induce the animal version of rheumatoid arthritis. The Polish Academy of Sciences has shown that in animals, squalene alone can produce catastrophic injury to the nervous system and the brain. The University of Florida Medical School has shown that in animals, squalene alone can induce production of antibodies specifically associated with systemic lupus erythematosus,” writes Matsumoto.
Source: infowars
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 24, 2009
Around 12,000 U.S. children will be used as guinea pigs for an experimental swine flu vaccine known to contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.
According to a report in the Oklahoman, 12,000 children nationwide will partake in “fast-tracked studies” to test the side-effects of the untested swine flu vaccine in trials set to begin next month.
“The trials will test the vaccine’s effectiveness and whether or not it has negative side effects in patients,” states the report.
Since less than 100 children in the U.S. die from regular seasonal flu each year, a reasonable estimate would be that around 100 children will die from swine flu over the course of the next year.
So in effect, the authorities will vaccinate millions of children in order to try and prevent 100 deaths. If the mass vaccination program mirrors the previous swine flu outbreak of 1976 then the vaccine is likely to kill more people than the actual virus.
Furthermore, since the swine flu vaccine includes squalene, a dangerous adjuvant that contributed to Gulf War Syndrome cases, there’s little doubt that it will lead to debilitating lifelong diseases far more deadly than the swine flu virus itself for thousands of children if a mass vaccination campaign is conducted.
According to Meryl Nass, M.D., “A novel feature of the two H1N1 vaccines being developed by companies Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline is the addition of squalene-containing adjuvants to boost immunogenicity and dramatically reduce the amount of viral antigen needed. This translates to much faster production of desired vaccine quantities.”
“Research shows that squalene is the experimental anthrax vaccine ingredient that caused devastating autoimmune diseases and deaths for many Gulf War veterans from the US, UK, and Australia, yet it continues in use today and for new vaccines development in labs,” writes Stephen Lendman.
According to award-winning investigative journalist Gary Matsumoto, there’s a “close match between the squalene-induced diseases in animals and those observed in humans injected with this oil: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.”
“There are now data in more than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers, from ten different laboratories in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia, documenting that squalene-based adjuvants can induce autoimmune diseases in animals…observed in mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. Sweden’s Karolinska Institute has demonstrated that squalene alone can induce the animal version of rheumatoid arthritis. The Polish Academy of Sciences has shown that in animals, squalene alone can produce catastrophic injury to the nervous system and the brain. The University of Florida Medical School has shown that in animals, squalene alone can induce production of antibodies specifically associated with systemic lupus erythematosus,” writes Matsumoto.
Source: infowars
The International Banking Cartel is the New World Order

The International Banking Cartel is the New World Order
My belief in the existence of the New World Order centers around the activities, actions and writings of the members of the elite (mostly Anglo-American) inside the international banking cartel – which of course includes the Rockefeller and Rothschild families – over roughly the last century.
This cartel, through their financing of two World Wars; the revolutions of Lenin/Stalin and Hitler, among others; the creation of the IMF, World Bank and other private “central banks” like the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England; as well as their backing of international organizations like the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Trade Organization has sought to control not only the purse strings of the governments of the world, but also the policies, laws and programs that those governments and agencies implement.
Through their financing of both sides of wars (WWI and II, Cold War, War on Drugs, War on Terror, etc); their manufacture of financial crisis (Great Depression, the coming Greater Depression) and financing of ideological movements (eugenics/population control, feminism, communism, fascism, global warming, etc) the banking cartel has sought to undercut the political, economic and social sovereignty of nations around the world. As a result, their IMF, World Bank and other central bank proxies have managed to put nation after nation in massive debt to them. And as a result, they can further manipulate and control the governments (and citizens) of those nations to further enact their goal of a global government and banking system run – by them and for them – at the expense of all of humanity.
IMO, the New World Order is not a Jewish thing, it’s not a religious thing, it’s not even solely a money thing (although money is its greatest weapon). It instead is a control thing. They banking elite want to be able to control the globe and everyone in it.
However, as many who attempt to debunk the New World Order exists have said, nationalism and traditional political and ethnic hostilities have hampered the cartel’s quest for a one world government. Because of this, Russia, China and renegade states like Iran and Venezuela remain largely on the fringes of the NWO’s inner circle. Russia and China are both too big (unlike Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama) and potentially valuable to the cause to ignore or wipe out. But while political and economic relations exist between the western powers and the two outsiders; the potential for conflict with Russia and China in Eurasia or Africa remain very real.
Source: infowars
Monday, July 20, 2009
Obama Health Care reform will destroy U.S. Jobs
Why Obama's Health Care Reform Bill Will Destroy U.S. Jobs and Devastate the Economy
(NaturalNews) If you want to know why U.S. businesses increasingly outsource jobs to other countries, just add up the cost of doing business in America: As an employer, you have to pay not only higher wages than most other countries, but you also have to pay for the lost productivity and missed days due to the astonishingly poor health of the U.S. workforce.
Now, under the new Obama health care reform bill, you'll have to pay an additional eight percent of your payroll as a new tax to cover the costs of Big Government running its new sick-care system where nobody gets healthy, but everybody gets hammered with new taxes.
As a small business owner myself, I can tell you what this will cause in America: A massive shift of jobs out of the U.S. to other countries where health care costs are more reasonable (and the workers are healthier).
Taiwan, for example, is able to provide very high quality health care services to its entire population for roughly $30 a month, and that covers everything: Prenatal care, dental care, vision, surgeries, routine checkups, and so on. No one is denied coverage.
How is Taiwan able to provide first-world health care to its entire population at such affordable rates? Its government does not kow-tow to the pharmaceutical crooks that dominate American medicine. Taiwan runs a single payer system with no insurance companies mucking around with the paperwork or denying coverage to patients. On top of that, its population is far healthier than the U.S. population due to the fact that the traditional Taiwan diet is rich with real foods rather than processed foods. (This is changing, of course, as Taiwan adopts American fast food habits. The country will face increasing health care costs in the future if it continues to pursue American dietary habits...)
At the same time, doctors and medical staff in Taiwan don't make million-dollar salaries, either. They're paid well, but not the ridiculously high wages collected by medical specialists in the U.S. (Of course, they also don't have the burden of six-figure debt from medical schools hanging around their necks...)
Source: Natural News
(NaturalNews) If you want to know why U.S. businesses increasingly outsource jobs to other countries, just add up the cost of doing business in America: As an employer, you have to pay not only higher wages than most other countries, but you also have to pay for the lost productivity and missed days due to the astonishingly poor health of the U.S. workforce.
Now, under the new Obama health care reform bill, you'll have to pay an additional eight percent of your payroll as a new tax to cover the costs of Big Government running its new sick-care system where nobody gets healthy, but everybody gets hammered with new taxes.
As a small business owner myself, I can tell you what this will cause in America: A massive shift of jobs out of the U.S. to other countries where health care costs are more reasonable (and the workers are healthier).
Taiwan, for example, is able to provide very high quality health care services to its entire population for roughly $30 a month, and that covers everything: Prenatal care, dental care, vision, surgeries, routine checkups, and so on. No one is denied coverage.
How is Taiwan able to provide first-world health care to its entire population at such affordable rates? Its government does not kow-tow to the pharmaceutical crooks that dominate American medicine. Taiwan runs a single payer system with no insurance companies mucking around with the paperwork or denying coverage to patients. On top of that, its population is far healthier than the U.S. population due to the fact that the traditional Taiwan diet is rich with real foods rather than processed foods. (This is changing, of course, as Taiwan adopts American fast food habits. The country will face increasing health care costs in the future if it continues to pursue American dietary habits...)
At the same time, doctors and medical staff in Taiwan don't make million-dollar salaries, either. They're paid well, but not the ridiculously high wages collected by medical specialists in the U.S. (Of course, they also don't have the burden of six-figure debt from medical schools hanging around their necks...)
Source: Natural News
Everyday Ways You Damage Your DNA
Everyday Ways You Damage Your DNA
Saturday, July 18, 2009 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Scientists recently patted themselves on the back for discovering an "allergy gene." They say defects in this gene increase the likeliness that a person will develop allergies, so they want to screen entire future populations for this gene mutation and put them on drug treatments. Never mind that many people have eliminated allergies altogether with body cleansing, that`s another story. The story is that these scientists are claiming allergies are a genetic defect. But there`s something about this that you likely don`t know. The truth is: Our genes aren`t static.
It's a fact that our genes can and do change in our lifetimes. Lifestyle factors and environmental poisons can and do alter and damage our DNA. This passes the effects of our toxic habits and environment to our children, grandchildren, and every future generation of humans to inhabit the planet.
Actually, a number of everyday things can damage your DNA - some of them you`ve likely been exposed to in the last 24 hours. Want to know just a few?
Cell phone radiation
Radiation from cell phones is known to alter our DNA. Several studies (listed below) have shown this, yet the population remains unaware and continues to hold their cell phone next to their head, pointed at their brain.
A headset that runs the radiation through an air tube is one solution, as it is consistently using speakerphone. Many wireless headsets actually magnify the radiation to your brain, so they`re simply not good choices. Seaweed is known to pull radiation out of the body, and it protected many people after Hiroshima.
Insecticides are known to damage our DNA and you`re likely eating several insecticides with each non-organic meal. Even if you eat all organic food, many cities, and recently the California bay area, have sprayed insecticides into the open air. They do this, they say, to kill moths, mosquitoes, and the like, but the chemicals they`re using are known to change our DNA. Once in the air, these chemicals easily enter our body with each breath we take.
Plastics are also known to alter our DNA, and you might be thinking, "Thank goodness I don`t eat plastics." No, but you do breathe in their fumes and worst of all, plastics are easily absorbed into foods that are wrapped and packaged in them. And a lot of foods are wrapped and packaged in plastic.
According to Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D., the average person`s intake of plastic, just from plastic wrapped food, is about 210 mcg per day. Plastic in the body is known to damage genes connected with several types of cancer.
As a population we`re playing with some pretty dangerous stuff as we move further and further from nature. And unless we want to create future populations of humans with more health problems than fingers, maybe we want to stop using everyday poisons without regard for the consequences. Perhaps we`ll also want to start detoxifying our bodies thoroughly to remove some of these poisons from our systems, before they cause irreparable damage to ourselves and our great, great, great grandchildren.
Detoxify or Die, Sherry Rogers, M.D.
`Allergy gene` identified by scientists
Mobile Phone Radiation Causes Changes in Gene and Protein Expression
Cell Phone Radiation Alters Human DNA Expression
Altered Gene Expression in Human Cells Treated with the Insecticide Diazinon
Differential Gene Expression in Normal Human Mammary Epithelial Cells Treated with Malathion
Common Organic Compound Found In Many Household Products May Pose Health Risk To Breast Cells
Two Compounds in Plastic Packaging Act as Environmental Estrogens and Can Alter Genes in Breast Tissue
Chemical in Plastics Linked to Prostate Cancer
Source: Natural News
Saturday, July 18, 2009 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Scientists recently patted themselves on the back for discovering an "allergy gene." They say defects in this gene increase the likeliness that a person will develop allergies, so they want to screen entire future populations for this gene mutation and put them on drug treatments. Never mind that many people have eliminated allergies altogether with body cleansing, that`s another story. The story is that these scientists are claiming allergies are a genetic defect. But there`s something about this that you likely don`t know. The truth is: Our genes aren`t static.
It's a fact that our genes can and do change in our lifetimes. Lifestyle factors and environmental poisons can and do alter and damage our DNA. This passes the effects of our toxic habits and environment to our children, grandchildren, and every future generation of humans to inhabit the planet.
Actually, a number of everyday things can damage your DNA - some of them you`ve likely been exposed to in the last 24 hours. Want to know just a few?
Cell phone radiation
Radiation from cell phones is known to alter our DNA. Several studies (listed below) have shown this, yet the population remains unaware and continues to hold their cell phone next to their head, pointed at their brain.
A headset that runs the radiation through an air tube is one solution, as it is consistently using speakerphone. Many wireless headsets actually magnify the radiation to your brain, so they`re simply not good choices. Seaweed is known to pull radiation out of the body, and it protected many people after Hiroshima.
Insecticides are known to damage our DNA and you`re likely eating several insecticides with each non-organic meal. Even if you eat all organic food, many cities, and recently the California bay area, have sprayed insecticides into the open air. They do this, they say, to kill moths, mosquitoes, and the like, but the chemicals they`re using are known to change our DNA. Once in the air, these chemicals easily enter our body with each breath we take.
Plastics are also known to alter our DNA, and you might be thinking, "Thank goodness I don`t eat plastics." No, but you do breathe in their fumes and worst of all, plastics are easily absorbed into foods that are wrapped and packaged in them. And a lot of foods are wrapped and packaged in plastic.
According to Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D., the average person`s intake of plastic, just from plastic wrapped food, is about 210 mcg per day. Plastic in the body is known to damage genes connected with several types of cancer.
As a population we`re playing with some pretty dangerous stuff as we move further and further from nature. And unless we want to create future populations of humans with more health problems than fingers, maybe we want to stop using everyday poisons without regard for the consequences. Perhaps we`ll also want to start detoxifying our bodies thoroughly to remove some of these poisons from our systems, before they cause irreparable damage to ourselves and our great, great, great grandchildren.
Detoxify or Die, Sherry Rogers, M.D.
`Allergy gene` identified by scientists
Mobile Phone Radiation Causes Changes in Gene and Protein Expression
Cell Phone Radiation Alters Human DNA Expression
Altered Gene Expression in Human Cells Treated with the Insecticide Diazinon
Differential Gene Expression in Normal Human Mammary Epithelial Cells Treated with Malathion
Common Organic Compound Found In Many Household Products May Pose Health Risk To Breast Cells
Two Compounds in Plastic Packaging Act as Environmental Estrogens and Can Alter Genes in Breast Tissue
Chemical in Plastics Linked to Prostate Cancer
Source: Natural News
Yoga Takes Away Stress, Pounds, Toxins, Cholesterol and Cravings
Yoga Takes Away Stress, Pounds, Toxins, Cholesterol and Cravings
Saturday, July 18, 2009 by: Allison Biggar, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Yoga has long been associated with stress reduction and increased flexibility, but not everyone realizes that yoga can also help them lose weight, lower their cholesterol, and eliminate harmful toxins. Yoga practitioners can even learn how to control their cravings for unhealthy foods.
Yoga is one of the most holistic activities there is, focusing on mind, body, and spirit. When done properly, the benefits are endless. It can ease your anxiety, improve your coordination, strength, and posture, and help you lose pounds and inches. That's because it combines deep breathing, relaxing meditation, and limbering poses.
Breathe Deeply, Burn Fat
When you breathe deeply and consciously - instead of taking short, shallow breaths - you not only feel more relaxed, you burn more calories. Studies have shown that regular deep breathing burns up to 140% more calories than riding a stationary bike! (Of course, breathing deeply won't help you lose weight if you're also inhaling cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, sodas, and packaged meals. Eating a vegetarian diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in sugar and processed foods is also essential for weight loss and maintenance.)
To lose the most weight, practice Bikram yoga, which is a mix of low-key twisting poses and cardio exercises performed in a room where the temperature has been raised higher than 100 degrees, or Ashtanga Yoga, which combines complex yoga poses with deep breathing techniques.
The twisting poses stimulate your internal organs, which in turn boosts your metabolism, helping you to lose weight. And because Bikram yoga is practiced in such hot temperatures, your body sweats out toxins, which also helps you to shed pounds. Yoga also reduces stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity, so your body kicks into a fat-burning mode and burns food as fuel rather than storing it as fat.
Doing just one session of yoga will help tighten your muscles and improve your posture, making you look and feel five pounds leaner. The more you practice yoga, the more patience and self control you learn. As you become more disciplined, you become better able to ignore cravings for unhealthy food, which is a key component of any effective weight loss program.
Inverted Yoga-Decreased Cholesterol
You can control your cholesterol and blood pressure by doing yoga and eating plant-based foods (meat, eggs, and dairy products are the only dietary sources of cholesterol.) When you practice inverted yoga poses, including the plough pose, the headstand, and the crane pose, your legs and abdomen are higher than your heart, which increases your circulation and allows blood to flow throughout your body. Inverted yoga poses not only improve your cardiovascular health, they stimulate your brain and glandular system, and relieve pressure on your abdominal organs. Another type of yoga, known as integrative yoga therapy, is sometimes used to alleviate certain medical conditions, including clinical depression, asthma, back pain, arthritis, and even insomnia and multiple sclerosis.
Karmic Benefits of Yoga
While yoga undoubtedly has many physical benefits, it can also be good for your soul. One of the main tenants of yoga is ahimsa, a Sanskrit term meaning to do no harm to any living being. It is one of the reasons why serious yoga practitioners advocate a total vegetarian diet. Sharon Gannon, a founder of Jivamukti, one of the best known yoga centers in the U.S., has even produced a video on the philosophical connection between yoga and vegetarianism.
There's virtually no limit to what yoga can do for your body and your spirit. You are never too out of shape to take up yoga. In other words, "Never too late, never too old, never too bad and never too sick to do this yoga and start from scratch again," says Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram yoga. If you've been struggling to lose weight, eat healthily, and improve your strength, posture, and flexibility, fitting yoga into your lifestyle is a wise and healthy choice.
Natural Sexy Skinny, "The Skinny On Yoga,", "The Health Benefits of Yoga,", "Yoga and Vegetarianism,"
source: Natural News
Saturday, July 18, 2009 by: Allison Biggar, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Yoga has long been associated with stress reduction and increased flexibility, but not everyone realizes that yoga can also help them lose weight, lower their cholesterol, and eliminate harmful toxins. Yoga practitioners can even learn how to control their cravings for unhealthy foods.
Yoga is one of the most holistic activities there is, focusing on mind, body, and spirit. When done properly, the benefits are endless. It can ease your anxiety, improve your coordination, strength, and posture, and help you lose pounds and inches. That's because it combines deep breathing, relaxing meditation, and limbering poses.
Breathe Deeply, Burn Fat
When you breathe deeply and consciously - instead of taking short, shallow breaths - you not only feel more relaxed, you burn more calories. Studies have shown that regular deep breathing burns up to 140% more calories than riding a stationary bike! (Of course, breathing deeply won't help you lose weight if you're also inhaling cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, sodas, and packaged meals. Eating a vegetarian diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in sugar and processed foods is also essential for weight loss and maintenance.)
To lose the most weight, practice Bikram yoga, which is a mix of low-key twisting poses and cardio exercises performed in a room where the temperature has been raised higher than 100 degrees, or Ashtanga Yoga, which combines complex yoga poses with deep breathing techniques.
The twisting poses stimulate your internal organs, which in turn boosts your metabolism, helping you to lose weight. And because Bikram yoga is practiced in such hot temperatures, your body sweats out toxins, which also helps you to shed pounds. Yoga also reduces stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity, so your body kicks into a fat-burning mode and burns food as fuel rather than storing it as fat.
Doing just one session of yoga will help tighten your muscles and improve your posture, making you look and feel five pounds leaner. The more you practice yoga, the more patience and self control you learn. As you become more disciplined, you become better able to ignore cravings for unhealthy food, which is a key component of any effective weight loss program.
Inverted Yoga-Decreased Cholesterol
You can control your cholesterol and blood pressure by doing yoga and eating plant-based foods (meat, eggs, and dairy products are the only dietary sources of cholesterol.) When you practice inverted yoga poses, including the plough pose, the headstand, and the crane pose, your legs and abdomen are higher than your heart, which increases your circulation and allows blood to flow throughout your body. Inverted yoga poses not only improve your cardiovascular health, they stimulate your brain and glandular system, and relieve pressure on your abdominal organs. Another type of yoga, known as integrative yoga therapy, is sometimes used to alleviate certain medical conditions, including clinical depression, asthma, back pain, arthritis, and even insomnia and multiple sclerosis.
Karmic Benefits of Yoga
While yoga undoubtedly has many physical benefits, it can also be good for your soul. One of the main tenants of yoga is ahimsa, a Sanskrit term meaning to do no harm to any living being. It is one of the reasons why serious yoga practitioners advocate a total vegetarian diet. Sharon Gannon, a founder of Jivamukti, one of the best known yoga centers in the U.S., has even produced a video on the philosophical connection between yoga and vegetarianism.
There's virtually no limit to what yoga can do for your body and your spirit. You are never too out of shape to take up yoga. In other words, "Never too late, never too old, never too bad and never too sick to do this yoga and start from scratch again," says Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram yoga. If you've been struggling to lose weight, eat healthily, and improve your strength, posture, and flexibility, fitting yoga into your lifestyle is a wise and healthy choice.
Natural Sexy Skinny, "The Skinny On Yoga,", "The Health Benefits of Yoga,", "Yoga and Vegetarianism,"
source: Natural News
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