The Judas Goats: The Shocking Story of the Infiltration and Subversion of the American Nationalist Movement
Here is the table of contents:
Identifying the Subversive Forces
Strange World of the Judas Goats
Nationalism: Prime Target of Zionism
The Return of COINTELPRO
Inside the “Controlled Opposition”
The Soviet “Trust” Model
J. Edgar Hoover and the Enemy Within
John Roy Carlson—Judas Goat
The Great Sedition Trial of 1944
Collaboration Between the ADL & FBI
Accusing Patriots of Being “Traitors”
Walter Winchell: Zionist Front Man
Capitol Hill Judas Goat: A Zionist Spy
The ADL’s Secret Role in Firings
The ADL: U.S.-based Spy Agency
First-Hand Encounters with Roy Bullock
The ADL Spy Scandal Breaks
The Struggle Between Stalin & Zionism
Zionist Infiltration of the Soviet KGB
Secret Foundation of the Neo-Cons
Neo-Cons Are Trotskyites
Story! Behind Joseph R. McCarthy
The FBI & the Communist Party USA
The Cold War & Trotskyite “Neo-Cons”
The Zionist Vanguard
Early Zionist Corruption of Nationalists
William F. Buckley Jr.—Judas Goat
The Vatican’s Own Enemy Within
Fr. Malachi Martin’s Secret Role
“Conservatives” Loot American Patriots
Manipulation of “Anti-Communists”
Advancing the Zionist Agenda
The John Birch Society: Judas Goats
The Rise and Fall of Human Events
Intelligence Agency Manipulation
Sun Myung Moon: Rockefeller’s Man
A Major Media Judas Goat
Drew Pearson & Jack Anderson: Shills
Convincing “Right Wing” Patsies to Kill
CIA Infiltration of the Anti-War Movement
Bill, Hillary and John Kerry Play Roles
Zionist “Goats” Ruined GOP in 1! 940
Judas Goats Ruined Democrats in 2004
The! Sad Sto ry of Jesse Helms
Gingrich: Judas Goat from the Start
The FBI-ADL-Mossad Nexus
The First Attack on the WTC
FBI-ADL Nexus & the Waco Holocaust
Andreas Strassmeir & Kirk Lyons
Timothy McVeigh and the ADL
What Really Happened in OKC?
Talmudic Justice: Michael Chertoff
Victims: Jim Traficant and David Duke
The Fox “News” Phenomenon
Past, Present & Future Agenda
U.S. Patriots Declared “the Real Enemy”
Modern-Day “Thought Police”
Zionist Takeover of Law Enforcement
Jared Taylor’s Zionist “Nationalism”
The “Israelization” of America