Obama Breaks Promise Not to Raise Taxes on Middle Class
Northrop Grumman wins VisIOn Information Operations contract
RESTON, Va., 29 June 2009. Northrop Grumman Corp. will develop the software architecture for the Virtual Integrated Support for Information Operations eNvironment (VisIOn) system, which will provide situational awareness and mission planning capabilities for information operations across all U.S. military commands.
Information operations employs electronic warfare, cyber network operations, military deception, psychological warfare, and operations security to disrupt enemy decision-making, while protecting information necessary for U.S. warfighters to make critical decisions.
Under the task order, Northrop Grumman will provide a VisIOn baseline system integrated upon a network-centric, service-oriented architecture. The task order is the first phase of the VisIOn program and was awarded through the Defense Information Systems Agency's Encore II umbrella contract.
VisIOn is a cyber-based mission planning tool for the information operations warfighter. It is an easy-to-use, web-based program to develop a specific and deliberate course of action based on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data coming in from across the battle space, company officials say. VisIOn will monitor the information operations situation by continually mining intelligence data from a wide array of sources, ensure situational awareness to warfighters, evaluate potential plans, and develop and execute appropriate courses of action.
"Information is more critical than ever to the success of our warfighters, and VisIOn will help commanders collect, protect and use that information to plan and execute critical missions," says Kathy Warden, vice president of the Cyber and Signals Intelligence Systems business unit within Northrop Grumman's Information Systems sector. "Northrop Grumman understands the necessity of providing warfighters the best possible information operations mission planning capability. To that end, we have established a team to employ subject matter experts with critical information operations field experience."
U.S. Joint Forces Command and U.S. Strategic Command have formed a strategic partnership to develop, manage, and execute VisIOn with oversight by the Pentagon's Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
RESTON, Va., 29 June 2009. Northrop Grumman Corp. will develop the software architecture for the Virtual Integrated Support for Information Operations eNvironment (VisIOn) system, which will provide situational awareness and mission planning capabilities for information operations across all U.S. military commands.
Information operations employs electronic warfare, cyber network operations, military deception, psychological warfare, and operations security to disrupt enemy decision-making, while protecting information necessary for U.S. warfighters to make critical decisions.
Under the task order, Northrop Grumman will provide a VisIOn baseline system integrated upon a network-centric, service-oriented architecture. The task order is the first phase of the VisIOn program and was awarded through the Defense Information Systems Agency's Encore II umbrella contract.
VisIOn is a cyber-based mission planning tool for the information operations warfighter. It is an easy-to-use, web-based program to develop a specific and deliberate course of action based on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data coming in from across the battle space, company officials say. VisIOn will monitor the information operations situation by continually mining intelligence data from a wide array of sources, ensure situational awareness to warfighters, evaluate potential plans, and develop and execute appropriate courses of action.
"Information is more critical than ever to the success of our warfighters, and VisIOn will help commanders collect, protect and use that information to plan and execute critical missions," says Kathy Warden, vice president of the Cyber and Signals Intelligence Systems business unit within Northrop Grumman's Information Systems sector. "Northrop Grumman understands the necessity of providing warfighters the best possible information operations mission planning capability. To that end, we have established a team to employ subject matter experts with critical information operations field experience."
U.S. Joint Forces Command and U.S. Strategic Command have formed a strategic partnership to develop, manage, and execute VisIOn with oversight by the Pentagon's Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
Innocent Man Shot, Killed by Miami Beach Police
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Innocent Man Shot, Killed by Miami Beach Police
Cop Who Brutally Beat Female Bartender Receives Probation
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Cop Who Brutally Beat Female Bartender Receives Probation
Miley Cyrus Twitter about Infowars

Miley Cyrus Twitter about Infowars
In an interesting turn of events "Heidi and Spence" are acting as though they have woken up to the New World Order and are plugging away to their combined 800,000 followers on twitter endlessly about the "New World Order Global Elite." Even Miley Cyrus got in the fray asking "what is infowars?"
Miley Cyrus: @heidimontag i dont understand what is @infowars ?
10:18 AM Jun 28th from mobile web
Spencer writes: Everyone please tune in to the Alex Jones radio show tomorrow! Speidi will be on with Alex Jones from 12pm-1! @inforwars [sic] @prisonplanet
RT @prisonplanet: @mileycyrus All your fans are relying on you to protect them from real bullies -- the New World Order Global Elite!
RT @prisonplanet: @mileycyrus and @heidimontag Hey Miley and Heidi -- thanks for waking up to the truth! Yes!!!!!!
Heidi and Spence's twitters are basically just all links to infowars articles etc. Check them out below.
source: information liberation
Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic?

Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic?
Same strain of influenza was released by accident three decades ago
By Steve Connor, Science Editor
It has swept across the world killing at least 300 people and infecting thousands more. Yet the swine flu pandemic might not have happened had it not been for the accidental release of the same strain of influenza virus from a research laboratory in the late 1970s, according to a new study.
Scientists investigating the genetic make-up of flu viruses have concluded there is a high probability that the H1N1 strain of influenza "A" behind the current pandemic might never have been re-introduced into the human population were it not for an accidental leak from a laboratory working on the same strain in 1977.
Yesterday, the Department of Health announced a further surge in the number of cases in Britain with another 1,604 confirmed over the weekend, and the death of a girl in Birmingham with underlying medical complications; the third death in Britain from swine flu-related problems.
source: the independent
Saturday, June 27, 2009
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Russia’s FSB Reports Pop Icon Michael Jackson Assassinated By CIA
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)
FSB sources are reporting to President Medvedev today that American pop icon Michael Jackson was “most assuredly” assassinated by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after an examination of data transmitted by a Russian Military’s Kosmos 2450 satellite show “conclusively” that immediately prior to the music stars death in Los Angeles an electromagnetic pulse consistent in pattern to EMR weapons looted from the former Soviet Union by the United States was employed at the “exact coordinates” of the rock stars home.
To the type of technology being perfected by the US Military-Industrial Complex based upon former Soviet Union research used in these kinds of assassinations we can read about as reported by Cheryl Welsh, president, Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, in her landmark 2001 report “Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Weapons: As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb”, and which says:
“A newly declassified U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency report says- extensive Soviet research into microwaves might lead to methods of causing disoriented human behavior, nerve disorders or even heart attacks.... A copy of the study was provided by the agency to The Associated Press in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. The Pentagon agency refused to release some portions of the study, saying they remain classified on national security grounds.”
Even more importantly, since Ms Welsh’s landmark report in 2001, the US has continued perfecting this insidious technology they’ve named Active Denial System (ADS), and as we can read as reported by New Scientist in their 2005 report titled “US Military seeks new non-lethal weapon; the prototype of the phaser?”, and which says:
“The US military is funding development of a weapon that delivers a bout of excruciating pain from up to 2 kilometres away. Intended for use against rioters, it is meant to leave victims unharmed. But pain researchers are furious that work aimed at controlling pain has been used to develop a weapon. And they fear that the technology will be used for torture.”
To the ‘final’ employment of these weapons [3rd photo, left] we can also read:
“In January 2007, Theodore Barna, an assistant deputy undersecretary of defense for advanced systems and concepts told Reuters that "We expect the services to add it to their tool kit. And that could happen as early as 2010”.
Apparently the military is still unsure about ADS after all the tests. Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne didn't help clarify the issue when he suggested that the military should use the “pain ray” at crowds in the United States before deploying it in Iraq. It would be hard to imagine that Americans would be feeling okay about trying such weapons on themselves even if they believe they are not lethal.
Wagner suggested a new nickname for the weapon; the “death ray”, since it’s well-known that exposing mammals to microwaves make them explode. He sent an email all around the U.S. in which he used a live example to prove his theory.”
To the reason behind the CIA needing to assassinate Michael Jackson, these reports continue, was an out of court settlement the pop icon signed with son of the king of Bahrain, Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa, this past November in London, and which stated, in part, that in exchange for millions of dollars previously lent to Mr. Jackson by the Sheikh, Mr. Jackson would allow his sold-out United Kingdom concerts to be a “platform” for warning the World of a soon to occur mass genocide event.
Both Michael Jackson and Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa have been long standing supporters of the fearless Austrian investigative journalist, Jane Burgermeister, who is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway, and as we can read:
“Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.
In her charges, Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO. This bioterrorism is for the purpose of carrying out a mass genocide against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. This group has annexed high government offices in the U.S.
Specifically, evidence is presented that the defendants, Barack Obama, President of the U.S, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, David de Rotschild, banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria, and Alois Stoger, Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate criminal syndicate which has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and other countries for financial and political gain.
The charges contend that these defendants conspired with each other and others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bioweapons program involving the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis. They did this by bioengineering and then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically the "bird flu" virus and the "swine flu virus" in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program which would be the means of administering a toxic biological agent to cause death and injury to the people of the U.S. This action is in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.”
Interesting to note, too, is on the day of Michael Jackson’s assassination, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that their mathematical models show over 1 million Americans have contracted swine flu and that of the 58,000 confirmed cases around the World the US has over half of them, and even worse, Emergency Containment Areas are now being reported being set up in that troubled country.
Sadly though, and with an acknowledgement that this World star had led a much troubled life, it can never be taken away from Michael Jackson the real love he had for all of humanity and best expressed by him in the chorus of his anthem to the human race, We Are The World:
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
SOURCE: what does it mean
Electromagnetic Weapons: As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb
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Electromagnetic Weapons:
As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb
I. A fifty year electromagnetic arms race between Russia and the U.S.: Russia & East Block say nonthermal electromagnetic biological effects used for new weapons, U.S. policy says emr nonthermal effects not proven.
10 July 1979 Committee on Disarmament 1-52, V.L. Issraelyan, Representative of the USSR to the Committee on Disarmament.
Physical Properties of Biological Matter: Some History, Principles, and Applications by Herman P. Schwan, 1982.
May 22, 1988, Barton Reppert Associated Press Writer, Washington AP, entitled Looking at the Moscow Signal, the Zapping of an Embassy 35 years later, The Mystery Lingers.
Neurological Research, Vol. 4, No 1/2, 1982, Dr. Ross Adey
Defense & Foreign Affairs. P.34(1983,July), "Scientific Advances Hold Dramatic Prospects for Psy-Strat", Possony, Stefan.
Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily", June 7, 1983
a. Fifty year of suppression of nonthermal emr research by US government and emr industry is documented.
Microwave Debate by Nicholas Steneck, 1984, MIT Press, page 84.
Zapping of America by Paul Brodeur,1977
Trial 8-90 page 32, Bruce H. DeBoskey, "Non-Ionizing Radiation: Hidden Hazards".
b. Fifty years later, nonthermal effects of emr are scientific basis for weapons and biological basis of brain function, human rights experts, military, civilian and top government science advisor say
International Review of the Red Cross 279, 1, Nov. 1990 entitled "The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons by Louise Doswald-Beck and Gerald C. Cauderay.
US News & World Report, 7-7-97, "Wonder Weapons", Douglas Pasternak, page 40.
US News & World Report, Jan3/Jan 10 2000, Page 67,"Reading your mind and injecting smart thoughts", John Norseen
US News & World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, Page 68, Rodolfo Llinas. "A grand unification theory of the brain".
Wired magazine, April 2000 by Bill Joy
Imagined Worlds, Dyson, Freeman,. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1997.
c. US says Russia has mind control emr weapons.
The Associated Press, "Mind-Altering Microwaves, Soviets Studying Invisible Ray," Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 22 Nov. 1976, Sec A.
NBC Magazine with David Brinkley, July 16, 1981 No. 47592.
Military Review (official publication of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College), "The New Mental Battlefield", Lt. Col. John B. Alexander, U.S. Army, Ph.D. [He is a leading proponent of and spokesman for nonlethal weapons. Col. Alexander worked at Los Alamos Lab on nonlethal weapons.]
d. US government claims electromagnetic radiation (emr) mind control weapons are classified.
U.S. News and World Report, July 7, 1997, Wonder Weapons" page 38;
Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Sept/Oct 1994, "The Soft-Kill Fallacy" by Steven Aftergood,
e. National security: why the public is in the dark about electromagnetic weapons
The Washington Post article by George Lardner, 4-27, 5-3-92, page 34
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientist article entitled, The Soft-Kill Fallacy, Sept/Oct 94, page 43 Steve Aftergood
Boston Globe, 7-7-89, Larry Collins
Open Verdict An account of 25 mysterious deaths in the defense industry, Tony Collins, Sphere Books Ltd., a division of MacDonald & Co. Publishers London, 1990
Hustler magazine, June 1989, "Who's Killing the Star Wars Scientists"
Trial 8-90,"Non-Ionizing Radiation: Hidden Hazards", Bruce H. DeBoskey, page 32
II. With the break up of the Soviet Union in 1989,the US promotes nonlethal emr weapons which have been classified since the 1960s. Several mainstream Soviet press articles claim Russian top secret and massive mind control technology program in chaos.
The Herald (Glasgow), No reporter listed. "Brainwash killers 'still in use'". , 26 May 1995, 8. "
Stolitsa, Myasnikov, Alexei. "MC-Ultra Program, Use of mind-control equipment by armed forces not ruled out by Moscow-based Foreign Policy Institute." , No.43, 2 Nov. 1992,
TV program, ZDF, "Geheimes Russland" ,TV-Tagestip, Der Dienstag im ZDF: Dec, 22, 1998
The Moscow Times July 11, 1995, "Report: Soviets Used Top-Secret 'Psychotronic' Weapons", Owen Matthews.
See CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website, mindjustice.org [updated 2-04], entry 11, chapter 5 for list of over 25 Russian articles.
a. Electromagnetic weapons: more powerful than the atomic bomb, scientists say
May 22, 1988 by Barton Reppert Associated Press Writer, Washington AP, entitled Looking at the Moscow Signal, the Zapping of an Embassy 35 years later, The Mystery Lingers
New York Times, Dec. 29, 1965 p.28 covered speakers at an American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting. Entitled "Controlling the Mind", Professor David Krech of the University of California
Defense Electronics, July 1993, "DOD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control Technology, Claims FBI considered Testing on Koresh", by Mark Tapscott
The Guardian "The Future Art of War", May 25, 1995. Nic Lewer, peace researcher at the University of Bradford
b. Gorbachev concerns never reach U.S. mainstream press
1986 Press Conference on Gorbachev's Nuclear Arms Elimination Proposals. BBC "Weapons based on new physical principles would include, ... beam, radio-wave, infrasonic, geophysical and genetic weapons. In their strike characteristics these types of weapons might be no less dangerous than mass strike weapons. The Soviet Union considers it necessary to establish a ban on the development of arms of this kind."
c. U.S. wins electromagnetic arms race
Defense News, Jan.11-17, 1993 U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology by Barbara Opall
III. A serious public issue: Control of your mind is a classified military capability
a. Electromagnetic weapons: concerns and warnings by human rights experts
British Medical Journal Vol. 315, 7-12-97 page 78. Robin M. Coupland, Surgeon, International Committee of the Red Cross
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg Sept/Oct 1994, page 45
International Review of the Red Cross 279, 1, Nov. 1990 entitled The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons by Louise Doswald-Beck and Gerald C. Cauderay.
Aviation Week and SpaceTechnology,144(25)1996,June17,Mann,Paul, "Mass Weapons Threat Deepens Worldwide"
b. Allegations of nonconsensual experimentation, illegal foreign and domestic intelligence operations and illegal military use of new weapons of mass destruction
World Organization Against Torture, 1998 report entitled "Torture in the United States"
The European Parliament Resolution A4-005/99, Environment, Security and Foreign policy passed on Jan 29, 1999.
A preliminary Dr. Bertell Study of medical claims of victims is now underway.
Dr. Alan Scheflin, law professor at Santa Clara Law School and author of the 1978 Paddington Press book, Mind Manipulators and Dr. Colin Ross, psychiatrist appeared on the History Channel, Fall, 2000 on "Mind Control: America's Secret War"
See CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website for further examples. mindjustice.org [updated 2-04].
c. Nonconsensual experimentation and electromagnetic weapons, no codification of the Nuremberg Code or penalties under U.S. law. No laws or treaties to control use of emr weapons. .
Ethicist, Jonathan Moreno wrote Undue Risk Secret State Experiments on Humans, 1999, W.H. Freeman and Co.
Lawyer-ethicist, George Annas, Boston University author of Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code
1. Recognizing victims
New York Times Magazine, 8-31-97, page 38
Los Angeles Times, 3-28-88, A classic case of a whistleblower targeted with emr weapons: Rex Niles, FBI informant on kickbacks by defense contractors. His aluminum foil hat has tiny holes in it, says Rex Niles, proof that the government is bombarding him with microwaves in an attempt to kill him. "They were aggravating my conscious as well as my subconscious mind," he stated. He reported noise campaigns to cause stress and circling helicopters. Witnesses document the harassment, high microwave levels, etc. Niles, a formerly successful defense contractor, after informant role has ended, faced retaliation and is labeled mentally ill.
Such Things are Known, a book by victim Dorothy Burdick, 1981.
Kansas City Pitch Weekly, April 13-19, 1995, Ex-engineer Against Adverse Energyby Mike Taylor
The Star Beacon, October 1996 page 2 by Carole
Pennsylvania Inquirer, 199?
2. Unclassified information supports victim claims
US News & World Report, 7-7-97, "Wonder Weapons", Douglas Pasternak, page 40.
Los Angeles Times, March 29th 1976 "Mind Reading Machine Tells Secrets of the Brain Sci-Fi Comes True" by Norman Kempster
New York Times Magazine, Sept 29, 1996, on magnetic therapy
ABCNEWS.com World News Tonight with Peter Jennings March 19, 1998 "A Closer Look, Magnetic Therapy for Depression
CNN news broadcast, Special Assignment, Nov.-1985, by Chuck DeCaro, "Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap?" Ultrascience, Weapons of War" on the Learning Channel on September 21, 1997 featured Dr. Michael Persinger of Laurentian University, Canada. Ultrascience, "War 2020", Beyond Productions, Learning Channel, 1998, Dr. Michael Persinger, Laurentian University Ultrascience III, "Spies are us" Featured Dr. James C. Lin, PhD. biomedical and electrical engineer, educator, author of Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, 1978 International Defense Review, 3-1-93, "Special Operations Survives Pentagon budget Constraints", Ramon Lopez Margo Cherney FOIA request for complete NASA abstract Report Number: AD-A090426.,June 1, 1980. Brooks Air Force Base, Jan.25, 2000. Microwave News, editor, Louis Slesin, Jan/Feb 1997 p 14. "U.S. Air Force Looks to the Battlefields of the Future: Electromagnetic Fields That Might "Boggle the Mind" Federal Times, Dec. 13, 1976 "Microwave Weapons Study by Soviets Cited. CIA FOIA search for documents on 'Auditory' listed the following document."F80-0547, 1974-12-02 untitled BBC News Online Oct 11, 1999, "Looking Through Cats' Eyes Fuzzy But Recognizable"
IV. Conclusion
For further information, contact CAHRA [now Mind Justice], Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, a nonprofit 501(c)3 group for information, research, networking, projects. mindjustice.org [updated 2-04].
source: http://www.mindjustice.org/emr13.htm
As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb
I. A fifty year electromagnetic arms race between Russia and the U.S.: Russia & East Block say nonthermal electromagnetic biological effects used for new weapons, U.S. policy says emr nonthermal effects not proven.
10 July 1979 Committee on Disarmament 1-52, V.L. Issraelyan, Representative of the USSR to the Committee on Disarmament.
Physical Properties of Biological Matter: Some History, Principles, and Applications by Herman P. Schwan, 1982.
May 22, 1988, Barton Reppert Associated Press Writer, Washington AP, entitled Looking at the Moscow Signal, the Zapping of an Embassy 35 years later, The Mystery Lingers.
Neurological Research, Vol. 4, No 1/2, 1982, Dr. Ross Adey
Defense & Foreign Affairs. P.34(1983,July), "Scientific Advances Hold Dramatic Prospects for Psy-Strat", Possony, Stefan.
Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily", June 7, 1983
a. Fifty year of suppression of nonthermal emr research by US government and emr industry is documented.
Microwave Debate by Nicholas Steneck, 1984, MIT Press, page 84.
Zapping of America by Paul Brodeur,1977
Trial 8-90 page 32, Bruce H. DeBoskey, "Non-Ionizing Radiation: Hidden Hazards".
b. Fifty years later, nonthermal effects of emr are scientific basis for weapons and biological basis of brain function, human rights experts, military, civilian and top government science advisor say
International Review of the Red Cross 279, 1, Nov. 1990 entitled "The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons by Louise Doswald-Beck and Gerald C. Cauderay.
US News & World Report, 7-7-97, "Wonder Weapons", Douglas Pasternak, page 40.
US News & World Report, Jan3/Jan 10 2000, Page 67,"Reading your mind and injecting smart thoughts", John Norseen
US News & World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, Page 68, Rodolfo Llinas. "A grand unification theory of the brain".
Wired magazine, April 2000 by Bill Joy
Imagined Worlds, Dyson, Freeman,. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1997.
c. US says Russia has mind control emr weapons.
The Associated Press, "Mind-Altering Microwaves, Soviets Studying Invisible Ray," Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 22 Nov. 1976, Sec A.
NBC Magazine with David Brinkley, July 16, 1981 No. 47592.
Military Review (official publication of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College), "The New Mental Battlefield", Lt. Col. John B. Alexander, U.S. Army, Ph.D. [He is a leading proponent of and spokesman for nonlethal weapons. Col. Alexander worked at Los Alamos Lab on nonlethal weapons.]
d. US government claims electromagnetic radiation (emr) mind control weapons are classified.
U.S. News and World Report, July 7, 1997, Wonder Weapons" page 38;
Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Sept/Oct 1994, "The Soft-Kill Fallacy" by Steven Aftergood,
e. National security: why the public is in the dark about electromagnetic weapons
The Washington Post article by George Lardner, 4-27, 5-3-92, page 34
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientist article entitled, The Soft-Kill Fallacy, Sept/Oct 94, page 43 Steve Aftergood
Boston Globe, 7-7-89, Larry Collins
Open Verdict An account of 25 mysterious deaths in the defense industry, Tony Collins, Sphere Books Ltd., a division of MacDonald & Co. Publishers London, 1990
Hustler magazine, June 1989, "Who's Killing the Star Wars Scientists"
Trial 8-90,"Non-Ionizing Radiation: Hidden Hazards", Bruce H. DeBoskey, page 32
II. With the break up of the Soviet Union in 1989,the US promotes nonlethal emr weapons which have been classified since the 1960s. Several mainstream Soviet press articles claim Russian top secret and massive mind control technology program in chaos.
The Herald (Glasgow), No reporter listed. "Brainwash killers 'still in use'". , 26 May 1995, 8. "
Stolitsa, Myasnikov, Alexei. "MC-Ultra Program, Use of mind-control equipment by armed forces not ruled out by Moscow-based Foreign Policy Institute." , No.43, 2 Nov. 1992,
TV program, ZDF, "Geheimes Russland" ,TV-Tagestip, Der Dienstag im ZDF: Dec, 22, 1998
The Moscow Times July 11, 1995, "Report: Soviets Used Top-Secret 'Psychotronic' Weapons", Owen Matthews.
See CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website, mindjustice.org [updated 2-04], entry 11, chapter 5 for list of over 25 Russian articles.
a. Electromagnetic weapons: more powerful than the atomic bomb, scientists say
May 22, 1988 by Barton Reppert Associated Press Writer, Washington AP, entitled Looking at the Moscow Signal, the Zapping of an Embassy 35 years later, The Mystery Lingers
New York Times, Dec. 29, 1965 p.28 covered speakers at an American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting. Entitled "Controlling the Mind", Professor David Krech of the University of California
Defense Electronics, July 1993, "DOD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control Technology, Claims FBI considered Testing on Koresh", by Mark Tapscott
The Guardian "The Future Art of War", May 25, 1995. Nic Lewer, peace researcher at the University of Bradford
b. Gorbachev concerns never reach U.S. mainstream press
1986 Press Conference on Gorbachev's Nuclear Arms Elimination Proposals. BBC "Weapons based on new physical principles would include, ... beam, radio-wave, infrasonic, geophysical and genetic weapons. In their strike characteristics these types of weapons might be no less dangerous than mass strike weapons. The Soviet Union considers it necessary to establish a ban on the development of arms of this kind."
c. U.S. wins electromagnetic arms race
Defense News, Jan.11-17, 1993 U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology by Barbara Opall
III. A serious public issue: Control of your mind is a classified military capability
a. Electromagnetic weapons: concerns and warnings by human rights experts
British Medical Journal Vol. 315, 7-12-97 page 78. Robin M. Coupland, Surgeon, International Committee of the Red Cross
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg Sept/Oct 1994, page 45
International Review of the Red Cross 279, 1, Nov. 1990 entitled The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons by Louise Doswald-Beck and Gerald C. Cauderay.
Aviation Week and SpaceTechnology,144(25)1996,June17,Mann,Paul, "Mass Weapons Threat Deepens Worldwide"
b. Allegations of nonconsensual experimentation, illegal foreign and domestic intelligence operations and illegal military use of new weapons of mass destruction
World Organization Against Torture, 1998 report entitled "Torture in the United States"
The European Parliament Resolution A4-005/99, Environment, Security and Foreign policy passed on Jan 29, 1999.
A preliminary Dr. Bertell Study of medical claims of victims is now underway.
Dr. Alan Scheflin, law professor at Santa Clara Law School and author of the 1978 Paddington Press book, Mind Manipulators and Dr. Colin Ross, psychiatrist appeared on the History Channel, Fall, 2000 on "Mind Control: America's Secret War"
See CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website for further examples. mindjustice.org [updated 2-04].
c. Nonconsensual experimentation and electromagnetic weapons, no codification of the Nuremberg Code or penalties under U.S. law. No laws or treaties to control use of emr weapons. .
Ethicist, Jonathan Moreno wrote Undue Risk Secret State Experiments on Humans, 1999, W.H. Freeman and Co.
Lawyer-ethicist, George Annas, Boston University author of Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code
1. Recognizing victims
New York Times Magazine, 8-31-97, page 38
Los Angeles Times, 3-28-88, A classic case of a whistleblower targeted with emr weapons: Rex Niles, FBI informant on kickbacks by defense contractors. His aluminum foil hat has tiny holes in it, says Rex Niles, proof that the government is bombarding him with microwaves in an attempt to kill him. "They were aggravating my conscious as well as my subconscious mind," he stated. He reported noise campaigns to cause stress and circling helicopters. Witnesses document the harassment, high microwave levels, etc. Niles, a formerly successful defense contractor, after informant role has ended, faced retaliation and is labeled mentally ill.
Such Things are Known, a book by victim Dorothy Burdick, 1981.
Kansas City Pitch Weekly, April 13-19, 1995, Ex-engineer Against Adverse Energyby Mike Taylor
The Star Beacon, October 1996 page 2 by Carole
Pennsylvania Inquirer, 199?
2. Unclassified information supports victim claims
US News & World Report, 7-7-97, "Wonder Weapons", Douglas Pasternak, page 40.
Los Angeles Times, March 29th 1976 "Mind Reading Machine Tells Secrets of the Brain Sci-Fi Comes True" by Norman Kempster
New York Times Magazine, Sept 29, 1996, on magnetic therapy
ABCNEWS.com World News Tonight with Peter Jennings March 19, 1998 "A Closer Look, Magnetic Therapy for Depression
CNN news broadcast, Special Assignment, Nov.-1985, by Chuck DeCaro, "Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap?" Ultrascience, Weapons of War" on the Learning Channel on September 21, 1997 featured Dr. Michael Persinger of Laurentian University, Canada. Ultrascience, "War 2020", Beyond Productions, Learning Channel, 1998, Dr. Michael Persinger, Laurentian University Ultrascience III, "Spies are us" Featured Dr. James C. Lin, PhD. biomedical and electrical engineer, educator, author of Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, 1978 International Defense Review, 3-1-93, "Special Operations Survives Pentagon budget Constraints", Ramon Lopez Margo Cherney FOIA request for complete NASA abstract Report Number: AD-A090426.,June 1, 1980. Brooks Air Force Base, Jan.25, 2000. Microwave News, editor, Louis Slesin, Jan/Feb 1997 p 14. "U.S. Air Force Looks to the Battlefields of the Future: Electromagnetic Fields That Might "Boggle the Mind" Federal Times, Dec. 13, 1976 "Microwave Weapons Study by Soviets Cited. CIA FOIA search for documents on 'Auditory' listed the following document."F80-0547, 1974-12-02 untitled BBC News Online Oct 11, 1999, "Looking Through Cats' Eyes Fuzzy But Recognizable"
IV. Conclusion
For further information, contact CAHRA [now Mind Justice], Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, a nonprofit 501(c)3 group for information, research, networking, projects. mindjustice.org [updated 2-04].
source: http://www.mindjustice.org/emr13.htm
Friday, June 26, 2009
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Alex Jones- Overthrowing the New World Order
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Mind Control and the New World Order by Al Neal
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Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud) (1999)
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Wake Up Call - Remastered (NEW) - New
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Conspiracy uncovered,
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New World Order and the Chemtrails Connection
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Larry McDonald on the New World Order
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How To Stop The New World Order
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Techniques to Discredit – The Hidden Evil
Techniques to Discredit – The Hidden Evil
Posted by sakerfa on June 26, 2009
Those who expose the financial elite typically receive character assassination from radio, TV, print media, official “experts,” and “anti-hate” organizations. A combination of framings, murders, “accidents,” and lawsuits may occur. “Educational” material is distributed to law enforcement to help them understand the “paranoid extremists” who believe that multinational corporations are installing a global dictatorship.
Sutton and Wood warned, “Anyone in the U.S. who promotes unwelcome news for the elite receives some unwelcome attention in return.” This attention includes the use of experts, mainstream media, and anti-hate organizations, for well-coordinated character assassination.(*) According to author Perloff, a document released by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, on September 23, 1956 entitled, Propaganda and the Alert Citizen outlined the tactics reportedly used by the Establishment to discredit opposition.
Quoting from this document, Perloff wrote, “The tactic used had a prototype in a directive issued by the Communist Party… It read: When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them, after suitable build-ups, as Fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-Fascist and tolerance organizations to discredit them. … In the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell.”
“Because the Establishment controls the media,” wrote Allen, “anyone exposing the Insiders will be the recipient of a continuous fusillade of [criticism] … from newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. In this manner one is threatened with the loss of ’social respectability’ if he dares broach the idea that there is organization behind any of the problems currently wrecking America.”
“Smear tactics” from “left and right” are “standard operating procedure,” explained Sutton and Wood. Even if you don’t believe in the phony left/right political spectrum and have no political affiliation, you may be assigned one. Then the financial elite can use the opposite political party expressed in the mainstream news for character assassination. These labels, describe Sutton and Wood, “divert attention from responsible reasoned criticism with no attachment to a synthetic political spectrum.”
“If you assemble the evidence, carefully present your proofs, and try to expose these power seekers, the Establishment’s mass media will accuse you of being a dangerous paranoid who is–dividing–our people,” Allen said. In his book, With No Apologies, Senator Goldwater describes being on the receiving end of the Establishment’s “professional scandalmongers.” Apparently, because he was not controlled by the Establishment, the New York Times and New York Herald Tribune were used to discredit him during his campaigns.
Perloff wrote, “Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee and, as such, was the first GOP Presidential candidate in decades it [the CFR] had not controlled. Indeed, Goldwater represented nearly everything the Establishment was against. For that reason, the mass media was arrayed against him, and he was falsely characterized as a fanatic who would start a nuclear war and snatch social security checks from the elderly.”
Investigations into Crimes and Practices of the Financial Elite are Thwarted–Witnesses Discredited
DeCamp explained that during his investigation of a child prostitution ring involving Satanism which lead to Washington D.C., that “Articles began to appear in the Omaha World-Herald, aimed to discredit the witnesses and intimidate any other potential child victim-witnesses from testifying.” He cites some examples including the World-Herald’s charge that it was a “hoax based on rumor.” Editorial attacks ensued with titles such as, Grand Jury Did Its Job; The Insults Are Intolerable, and Schmit Panel Can’t Duck its Responsibility in Hoax.
The front page of the Omaha World-Herald on July 25, 1990 ran the headline, Grand Jury Says Abuse Stories Were a Carefully Crafted Hoax. And an article entitled, Former Legislator’s Angry Memo Turns Sober Nebraska on its Ear, which appeared in the March 17, 1990 edition of the Kansas City Star, stated that the memo was, spawning swirls of gossip. The same article described that the accusations against these prominent people was like “insulting God.” Compare these attacks to the criticism General Butler received by the mainstream news after exposing the plot by Wall Street to overthrow the U.S. Government, or the harassment the Reece Committee received when investigating the Tax-exempt Foundations.
One of the most damaging dirty tricks used against DeCamp was an anonymous complaint from a concerned citizen, which was logged with the Department of Social Services, stating that he and his wife were abusing their daughter. This tactic was apparently used to stop his investigation and knock him out of the senate race. The cover-up of a similar event occurred in Minnesota, where prosecutor Kathleen Morris came under savage attack from the media when investigating a child sex ring that was apparently linked to the financial elite. After experiencing considerable pressure, Morris relinquished the investigation to Attorney General Hubert Humphrey Jr. Humphrey soon closed the case due to insufficient evidence.
When the elite are linked to these types of crimes, evidence become missing, leads are not followed, people are discredited, jailed, disappear, or have accidents. These occasional leaks are part of a steady stream of corruption that only occasionally surfaces in the mainstream news. The discrediting and harassment tactics used during these cover-ups can happen anywhere the elite need to eliminate exposure to their activities. DeCamp calls it an “international organized crime syndicate, engaged in pedophilia, pornography, satanism, drugs, and money-laundering,” which is “protected … by federal authorities.”
source: dprogam
Posted by sakerfa on June 26, 2009
Those who expose the financial elite typically receive character assassination from radio, TV, print media, official “experts,” and “anti-hate” organizations. A combination of framings, murders, “accidents,” and lawsuits may occur. “Educational” material is distributed to law enforcement to help them understand the “paranoid extremists” who believe that multinational corporations are installing a global dictatorship.
Sutton and Wood warned, “Anyone in the U.S. who promotes unwelcome news for the elite receives some unwelcome attention in return.” This attention includes the use of experts, mainstream media, and anti-hate organizations, for well-coordinated character assassination.(*) According to author Perloff, a document released by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, on September 23, 1956 entitled, Propaganda and the Alert Citizen outlined the tactics reportedly used by the Establishment to discredit opposition.
Quoting from this document, Perloff wrote, “The tactic used had a prototype in a directive issued by the Communist Party… It read: When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them, after suitable build-ups, as Fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-Fascist and tolerance organizations to discredit them. … In the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell.”
“Because the Establishment controls the media,” wrote Allen, “anyone exposing the Insiders will be the recipient of a continuous fusillade of [criticism] … from newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. In this manner one is threatened with the loss of ’social respectability’ if he dares broach the idea that there is organization behind any of the problems currently wrecking America.”
“Smear tactics” from “left and right” are “standard operating procedure,” explained Sutton and Wood. Even if you don’t believe in the phony left/right political spectrum and have no political affiliation, you may be assigned one. Then the financial elite can use the opposite political party expressed in the mainstream news for character assassination. These labels, describe Sutton and Wood, “divert attention from responsible reasoned criticism with no attachment to a synthetic political spectrum.”
“If you assemble the evidence, carefully present your proofs, and try to expose these power seekers, the Establishment’s mass media will accuse you of being a dangerous paranoid who is–dividing–our people,” Allen said. In his book, With No Apologies, Senator Goldwater describes being on the receiving end of the Establishment’s “professional scandalmongers.” Apparently, because he was not controlled by the Establishment, the New York Times and New York Herald Tribune were used to discredit him during his campaigns.
Perloff wrote, “Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee and, as such, was the first GOP Presidential candidate in decades it [the CFR] had not controlled. Indeed, Goldwater represented nearly everything the Establishment was against. For that reason, the mass media was arrayed against him, and he was falsely characterized as a fanatic who would start a nuclear war and snatch social security checks from the elderly.”
Investigations into Crimes and Practices of the Financial Elite are Thwarted–Witnesses Discredited
DeCamp explained that during his investigation of a child prostitution ring involving Satanism which lead to Washington D.C., that “Articles began to appear in the Omaha World-Herald, aimed to discredit the witnesses and intimidate any other potential child victim-witnesses from testifying.” He cites some examples including the World-Herald’s charge that it was a “hoax based on rumor.” Editorial attacks ensued with titles such as, Grand Jury Did Its Job; The Insults Are Intolerable, and Schmit Panel Can’t Duck its Responsibility in Hoax.
The front page of the Omaha World-Herald on July 25, 1990 ran the headline, Grand Jury Says Abuse Stories Were a Carefully Crafted Hoax. And an article entitled, Former Legislator’s Angry Memo Turns Sober Nebraska on its Ear, which appeared in the March 17, 1990 edition of the Kansas City Star, stated that the memo was, spawning swirls of gossip. The same article described that the accusations against these prominent people was like “insulting God.” Compare these attacks to the criticism General Butler received by the mainstream news after exposing the plot by Wall Street to overthrow the U.S. Government, or the harassment the Reece Committee received when investigating the Tax-exempt Foundations.
One of the most damaging dirty tricks used against DeCamp was an anonymous complaint from a concerned citizen, which was logged with the Department of Social Services, stating that he and his wife were abusing their daughter. This tactic was apparently used to stop his investigation and knock him out of the senate race. The cover-up of a similar event occurred in Minnesota, where prosecutor Kathleen Morris came under savage attack from the media when investigating a child sex ring that was apparently linked to the financial elite. After experiencing considerable pressure, Morris relinquished the investigation to Attorney General Hubert Humphrey Jr. Humphrey soon closed the case due to insufficient evidence.
When the elite are linked to these types of crimes, evidence become missing, leads are not followed, people are discredited, jailed, disappear, or have accidents. These occasional leaks are part of a steady stream of corruption that only occasionally surfaces in the mainstream news. The discrediting and harassment tactics used during these cover-ups can happen anywhere the elite need to eliminate exposure to their activities. DeCamp calls it an “international organized crime syndicate, engaged in pedophilia, pornography, satanism, drugs, and money-laundering,” which is “protected … by federal authorities.”
source: dprogam
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Nine Stages of Civilizations – We’re in the Seventh ~ Apathy
The Nine Stages of Civilizations – We’re in the Seventh ~ Apathy
The United States is just over 230 years old and is now firmly entrenched in the seventh stage of all civilizations ( Apathy ) with only Dependence and eventually Bondage ahead of it:
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through a nine stage sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacence to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage. ( Attributed to Alexander Tytler )
In our present Plutocracy we have just made the transition from complacency to national apathy ~ which will surely be followed by dependence on the state and eventually bondage by the state. As Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, has said ~ ” We’re not a democracy. It’s a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we’re a plutocracy: a government by the wealthy.”
The obvious vehicle for this shift in consciousness is FEAR and APATHY. FEAR, in actuality, is False Exaggerations Appearing Real but APATHY is a lack of interest and indifference and it has always been the the Great American Sin. See my column of August 27, 2007. http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/2007/08/27.html
The United States is just over 230 years old and is now firmly entrenched in the seventh stage of all civilizations ( Apathy ) with only Dependence and eventually Bondage ahead of it:
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through a nine stage sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacence to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage. ( Attributed to Alexander Tytler )
In our present Plutocracy we have just made the transition from complacency to national apathy ~ which will surely be followed by dependence on the state and eventually bondage by the state. As Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, has said ~ ” We’re not a democracy. It’s a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we’re a plutocracy: a government by the wealthy.”
The obvious vehicle for this shift in consciousness is FEAR and APATHY. FEAR, in actuality, is False Exaggerations Appearing Real but APATHY is a lack of interest and indifference and it has always been the the Great American Sin. See my column of August 27, 2007. http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/2007/08/27.html
D.C. Crash Kills General Who Scrambled Jets on 9/11
D.C. Crash Kills General Who Scrambled Jets on 9/11
Published on 06-25-2009
Source: Bloomberg
David F. Wherley Jr., the head of the Washington National Guard who scrambled jets over the city during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was among those killed in the worst commuter train crash in the city’s history, officials said.
Wherley’s wife, Ann, was also among the nine people killed when a train plowed into the rear of a stopped train during rush hour on June 22, Quintin Peterson, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Department, said in a telephone interview. Both were 62 and lived in southeast Washington.
Wherley was commander of the 113th Fighter Wing at Andrews Air Force base in Maryland during the September 2001 terrorist attacks and sent up aircraft with orders to protect the White House and the Capitol, according to the 9/11 Commission report.
He commanded the District of Columbia National Guard from 2003 to 2008, the unit said in a statement.
“I had the opportunity to work with him as he commanded the troops here in D.C. and as he sent them off to war,” Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty said at a news conference yesterday. “He was as fine a public servant and as dedicated to the United States of America and everything that is great about this country as anyone I have ever met.”
The operator of the train, Jeanice McMillan, 42, of Springfield, Virginia, was also killed, according to Angela Gates, a spokeswoman for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.
Others Who Died
The others who died were Mary Doolittle, 59, of northwest Washington; Veronica Dubose, 29, of northwest Washington; Ana Fernandez, 40, of Hyattsville, Maryland; Dennis Hawkins, 64, of southeast Washington; Lavonda King, 23, of northeast Washington and Cameron Williams, 37, whose address wasn’t available, Peterson said.
Wherley established the D.C. National Guard’s Youth Challenge program, according to the guard’s statement. The residential program offers academic instruction, physical training and discipline to young people including high school dropouts, according to its Web site.
“General Wherley was not only the quintessential citizen soldier -- he also made valuable contributions to our community,” said Senator Mary Landrieu, a Democrat from Louisiana, according to the guard’s statement. Landrieu said the Youth Challenge program “has changed the lives of thousands of at-risk children in D.C. and around the country.”
Wherley flew T-38 training jets and F-105 Thunderchief and F-4 Phantom combat jets during a military career that began in 1969, according to the guard’s statement. It said he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Fordham University in New York City in 1969, and a master’s in business administration from the University of Maryland in 1977.
The Wherleys left a son, David, who is a noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army Golden Knights, a daughter, Betsy, and one grandchild, according to the guard.
To contact the reporters on this story: Ryan Flinn in San Francisco at rflinn@bloomberg.net or Todd Shields in Washington at tshields3@bloomberg.net
Published on 06-25-2009
Source: Bloomberg
David F. Wherley Jr., the head of the Washington National Guard who scrambled jets over the city during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was among those killed in the worst commuter train crash in the city’s history, officials said.
Wherley’s wife, Ann, was also among the nine people killed when a train plowed into the rear of a stopped train during rush hour on June 22, Quintin Peterson, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Department, said in a telephone interview. Both were 62 and lived in southeast Washington.
Wherley was commander of the 113th Fighter Wing at Andrews Air Force base in Maryland during the September 2001 terrorist attacks and sent up aircraft with orders to protect the White House and the Capitol, according to the 9/11 Commission report.
He commanded the District of Columbia National Guard from 2003 to 2008, the unit said in a statement.
“I had the opportunity to work with him as he commanded the troops here in D.C. and as he sent them off to war,” Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty said at a news conference yesterday. “He was as fine a public servant and as dedicated to the United States of America and everything that is great about this country as anyone I have ever met.”
The operator of the train, Jeanice McMillan, 42, of Springfield, Virginia, was also killed, according to Angela Gates, a spokeswoman for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.
Others Who Died
The others who died were Mary Doolittle, 59, of northwest Washington; Veronica Dubose, 29, of northwest Washington; Ana Fernandez, 40, of Hyattsville, Maryland; Dennis Hawkins, 64, of southeast Washington; Lavonda King, 23, of northeast Washington and Cameron Williams, 37, whose address wasn’t available, Peterson said.
Wherley established the D.C. National Guard’s Youth Challenge program, according to the guard’s statement. The residential program offers academic instruction, physical training and discipline to young people including high school dropouts, according to its Web site.
“General Wherley was not only the quintessential citizen soldier -- he also made valuable contributions to our community,” said Senator Mary Landrieu, a Democrat from Louisiana, according to the guard’s statement. Landrieu said the Youth Challenge program “has changed the lives of thousands of at-risk children in D.C. and around the country.”
Wherley flew T-38 training jets and F-105 Thunderchief and F-4 Phantom combat jets during a military career that began in 1969, according to the guard’s statement. It said he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Fordham University in New York City in 1969, and a master’s in business administration from the University of Maryland in 1977.
The Wherleys left a son, David, who is a noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army Golden Knights, a daughter, Betsy, and one grandchild, according to the guard.
To contact the reporters on this story: Ryan Flinn in San Francisco at rflinn@bloomberg.net or Todd Shields in Washington at tshields3@bloomberg.net
Don't Fall for the Media's Economic Triumphalism
Don't Fall for the Media's Economic Triumphalism
Amid the most painful period of economic turbulence in generations, a narrative has emerged that a handful of less-than-catastrophic economic reports represent the first "green shoots" of a healthy return to growth.
When a slew of absolutely depressing economic data were released in late May, economist Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, wrote: "these reports might have led to gloomy news stories, but... the media have obviously abandoned economic reporting and instead have adopted the role of cheerleader, touting whatever good news it can find and inventing good news when none can be found."
In other words, the green shoots narrative should be met with healthy skepticism. New York University economist Nouriel Roubini -- who earned the moniker "Doctor Doom" for correctly anticipating the crash -- says that rather than "green shoots," we're seeing some "yellow weeds" emerging from the cracks of our shattered system, and argues that there's every likelihood that a "recovery" will mean several years of sluggish, below-average growth for the industrialized economies.
Most economists do agree that extraordinarily aggressive interventions by our government and those of other key countries -- whatever criticism one may have of their specifics -- have averted, for the moment, the worst-case scenario: a deflationary "death spiral" in which people don't spend, firms lay off workers and state revenues dry up just when they're needed the most, causing yet more austerity and more downsizing.
Amid the most painful period of economic turbulence in generations, a narrative has emerged that a handful of less-than-catastrophic economic reports represent the first "green shoots" of a healthy return to growth.
When a slew of absolutely depressing economic data were released in late May, economist Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, wrote: "these reports might have led to gloomy news stories, but... the media have obviously abandoned economic reporting and instead have adopted the role of cheerleader, touting whatever good news it can find and inventing good news when none can be found."
In other words, the green shoots narrative should be met with healthy skepticism. New York University economist Nouriel Roubini -- who earned the moniker "Doctor Doom" for correctly anticipating the crash -- says that rather than "green shoots," we're seeing some "yellow weeds" emerging from the cracks of our shattered system, and argues that there's every likelihood that a "recovery" will mean several years of sluggish, below-average growth for the industrialized economies.
Most economists do agree that extraordinarily aggressive interventions by our government and those of other key countries -- whatever criticism one may have of their specifics -- have averted, for the moment, the worst-case scenario: a deflationary "death spiral" in which people don't spend, firms lay off workers and state revenues dry up just when they're needed the most, causing yet more austerity and more downsizing.
Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century
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Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century
Maafa 21 is a film exposing the dark roots of legalised abortion, going all the way back to the days of slavery and Darwin.
Did you know the no.1 cause of death to African Americans today, is abortion? That today, more African Americans die from abortion every 7 days, than died in the entire Vietnam War?
Maafa 21 is a film exposing the dark roots of legalised abortion, going all the way back to the days of slavery and Darwin.
Did you know the no.1 cause of death to African Americans today, is abortion? That today, more African Americans die from abortion every 7 days, than died in the entire Vietnam War?
How the Wall Street Bankers Bought Congress
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How the Wall Street Bankers Bought Congress
Posted by sakerfa on June 25, 2009
You would think that causing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression might have repercussions. You would think being a major factor in the destruction of around 40 percent of the world’s wealth might get you in trouble. You would think being the cause of the worst housing crisis in history — with millions of people losing their homes because of you — might force a restructuring of how Wall Street does things.
You would think that. But you’d be wrong.
For Wall Street’s lobbyists in Washington, it’s business as usual. Since Barack Obama took office, the bankers have succeeded in pushing through bogus “stress tests” of financial institutions’ solvency, escaping tougher government oversight, and steamrolling attempts to give working-class borrowers a break.
Even the much-hyped limits on CEO pay are being rolled back. In mid-June, Barack Obama lifted a five-month-old limit on executive compensation at financial firms that took federal bailout money. Apparently, only $500,000 a year in salaries and other perks was just too much of a sacrifice for the financial system to bear. Instead, Obama has established a “special master of compensation,” who will decide on pay to top executives at banks still reliant on government money.
While having a “special master” oversee pay might sound like a big deal, the banks aren’t sweating it. “Our people kind of thought it was a non-event,” one unnamed executive of a large bank told the Washington Post. “I don’t think there are worries about it on Wall Street.” And, the executive added, “It’s not like the horrible and unethical action from Congress, where they were putting artificial caps on pay or trying to steal back bonuses.”
The sense of entitlement on display in comments like these is staggering — as if the “wizards” of Wall Street deserve the billions in compensation showered upon them in the past decade for producing what has proved to be fictitious wealth, while destabilizing the economy and destroying the lives of people across the U.S.
Posted by sakerfa on June 25, 2009
You would think that causing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression might have repercussions. You would think being a major factor in the destruction of around 40 percent of the world’s wealth might get you in trouble. You would think being the cause of the worst housing crisis in history — with millions of people losing their homes because of you — might force a restructuring of how Wall Street does things.
You would think that. But you’d be wrong.
For Wall Street’s lobbyists in Washington, it’s business as usual. Since Barack Obama took office, the bankers have succeeded in pushing through bogus “stress tests” of financial institutions’ solvency, escaping tougher government oversight, and steamrolling attempts to give working-class borrowers a break.
Even the much-hyped limits on CEO pay are being rolled back. In mid-June, Barack Obama lifted a five-month-old limit on executive compensation at financial firms that took federal bailout money. Apparently, only $500,000 a year in salaries and other perks was just too much of a sacrifice for the financial system to bear. Instead, Obama has established a “special master of compensation,” who will decide on pay to top executives at banks still reliant on government money.
While having a “special master” oversee pay might sound like a big deal, the banks aren’t sweating it. “Our people kind of thought it was a non-event,” one unnamed executive of a large bank told the Washington Post. “I don’t think there are worries about it on Wall Street.” And, the executive added, “It’s not like the horrible and unethical action from Congress, where they were putting artificial caps on pay or trying to steal back bonuses.”
The sense of entitlement on display in comments like these is staggering — as if the “wizards” of Wall Street deserve the billions in compensation showered upon them in the past decade for producing what has proved to be fictitious wealth, while destabilizing the economy and destroying the lives of people across the U.S.
U.S. eugenics legacy: Ruling on Buck sterilization still stands
U.S. eugenics legacy: Ruling on Buck sterilization still stands
Source: USA TODAY - Andrea Pitzer
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Paul Lombardo hadn't planned on a three-decade detour when he stopped at a greasy-spoon restaurant for breakfast in February 1980. Lombardo, then a graduate student at the University of Virginia, picked up a newspaper to read as he ate his bacon and eggs.
And the rest is history, literally and figuratively. For almost 30 years, Lombardo has tried to uncover the full story of the wrongs he read about that day.
The article he had stumbled across was about two sisters sterilized in the 1920s by the state of Virginia for being "feeble-minded." The younger sister hadn't even known she'd had a tubal ligation. She didn't learn until she was in her late 60s that the surgery hadn't been for appendicitis. The older, more famous sister — Carrie Buck — was the subject of the now infamous lawsuit over the legality of the operation, Buck v. Bell, that was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
He read that although Carrie Buck was the first victim of a 1924 sterilization law, 8,300 Virginians had involuntary sterilization until the practice was stopped in the 1970s. The law itself was repealed in 1974. "It was startling," says Lombardo, 59, now a legal historian at Georgia State University in Atlanta.
He had not known of eugenics — the "science" of human improvement through controlled breeding — as more than a vague concept. Learning that there had been many eugenics programs in the United States in the 20th century and that the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in favor of Buck's sterilization amazed him.
"Three generations of imbeciles are enough," Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. wrote in the 1927 ruling. Lombardo says: "This woman got railroaded. And one of the giants of the Supreme Court was driving the train."
Source: USA TODAY - Andrea Pitzer
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Paul Lombardo hadn't planned on a three-decade detour when he stopped at a greasy-spoon restaurant for breakfast in February 1980. Lombardo, then a graduate student at the University of Virginia, picked up a newspaper to read as he ate his bacon and eggs.
And the rest is history, literally and figuratively. For almost 30 years, Lombardo has tried to uncover the full story of the wrongs he read about that day.
The article he had stumbled across was about two sisters sterilized in the 1920s by the state of Virginia for being "feeble-minded." The younger sister hadn't even known she'd had a tubal ligation. She didn't learn until she was in her late 60s that the surgery hadn't been for appendicitis. The older, more famous sister — Carrie Buck — was the subject of the now infamous lawsuit over the legality of the operation, Buck v. Bell, that was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
He read that although Carrie Buck was the first victim of a 1924 sterilization law, 8,300 Virginians had involuntary sterilization until the practice was stopped in the 1970s. The law itself was repealed in 1974. "It was startling," says Lombardo, 59, now a legal historian at Georgia State University in Atlanta.
He had not known of eugenics — the "science" of human improvement through controlled breeding — as more than a vague concept. Learning that there had been many eugenics programs in the United States in the 20th century and that the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in favor of Buck's sterilization amazed him.
"Three generations of imbeciles are enough," Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. wrote in the 1927 ruling. Lombardo says: "This woman got railroaded. And one of the giants of the Supreme Court was driving the train."
Gas Pump Thievery
Gas Pump Thievery: Who's Really Behind the Rising Prices at the Pumps?
By Jim Hightower, AlterNet. Posted June 25, 2009.
Like a Fourth of July crescendo of fireworks, our gasoline prices are rising higher and higher. While this is tough on consumers, we're assured by a covey of tongue-clucking industry analysts that nothing can be done about it, for it's simply the law of supply and demand in action -- so suck it up, and pay up.
But hold your BPExxonMobilShellChevron horses right there. Supply and demand? The supply of crude oil has risen this year to its highest level in nearly two decades, even while the demand for gasoline has dropped dramatically, having fallen this month to a 10-year low. Let's see -- supply up, demand down. That's a classic market formula for cheaper prices at the pump. Yet our prices have steadily moved up, rising by two-thirds since the beginning of the year (and by 60 cents a gallon in the past two months alone).
What's going on here is not the "magic of the marketplace," but some hocus-pocus by brand-name dealers. What might surprise you, though, is that the wheeler-dealers now jacking up our pump prices don't operate under the BPExxonMobilShellChevron brands -- but the logos of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and other Wall Street traders that have been placing vast, unregulated, secretive bets on the future price of oil. They're playing an electronic casino game in a global "dark market" of exotic derivatives and credit swaps.
By Jim Hightower, AlterNet. Posted June 25, 2009.
Like a Fourth of July crescendo of fireworks, our gasoline prices are rising higher and higher. While this is tough on consumers, we're assured by a covey of tongue-clucking industry analysts that nothing can be done about it, for it's simply the law of supply and demand in action -- so suck it up, and pay up.
But hold your BPExxonMobilShellChevron horses right there. Supply and demand? The supply of crude oil has risen this year to its highest level in nearly two decades, even while the demand for gasoline has dropped dramatically, having fallen this month to a 10-year low. Let's see -- supply up, demand down. That's a classic market formula for cheaper prices at the pump. Yet our prices have steadily moved up, rising by two-thirds since the beginning of the year (and by 60 cents a gallon in the past two months alone).
What's going on here is not the "magic of the marketplace," but some hocus-pocus by brand-name dealers. What might surprise you, though, is that the wheeler-dealers now jacking up our pump prices don't operate under the BPExxonMobilShellChevron brands -- but the logos of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and other Wall Street traders that have been placing vast, unregulated, secretive bets on the future price of oil. They're playing an electronic casino game in a global "dark market" of exotic derivatives and credit swaps.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
9/11 Debunking for Dummies
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How to help Against RFID usage!
Help Stop RFID item-level tagging of consumer products! Following are ways you can make a difference:
click here to join CASPIAN
Register your opposition to retail surveillance and support our activities by joining CASPIAN. There is no membership fee and you can sign up anonymously if you wish.
While you're on our site you can also sign up to receive our periodic newsletter. And if you have some spare time, we can also use all the volunteers we can get.
If you would like to provide a gift to CASPIAN, please contact Katherine Albrecht directly via phone or e-mail. Please note: we are not a non-profit 501c3 corporation. Therefore, gifts are not tax-deductible.
e-mail kma(at/@)spychips.com
* CASPIAN has proposed legislation, The RFID Right to Know Act, that would require mandatory labeling to inform consumers when an item contains an RFID tag. It would also prohibit companies from linking the chips with personally identifying information.
* WE NEED A SPONSOR FOR THE BILL. Email or write your Congressional Representative and ask them to sponsor this legislation.
* You can find your local representative at: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
* CASPIAN also supports anti-chipping legislation like the recent law passed in Wisconsin. This law makes it a crime to require an individual to be implanted with a microchip. Please contact your elected representatives to request their sponsorship!
* Please forward Assembly Bill 290 (PDF) to legislators in your state.
* Purchase products from companies that do not monitor shoppers
* Make a conscious choice not to support harmful corporate practices with your hard-earned shopping dollars
* Be consistent and courageous about your decision
* Write an E-mail of complaint to let companies know how you feel about RFID technology
* Write a letter to corporate management
* Write to your newspaper editor, or to your favorite blogger, commentator, radio host, or TV news anchor
* Write an article and publish it yourself
* Discuss the issue in your organization or company newsletter
* Link to Spychips.com from your site
* Invite friends and family members to visit this website
* Invite a corporate type to visit this website
* Give a talk
* Print up and distribute flyers
* Teach your children the importance of privacy
* Provide a service from your company (printing flyers, bumper stickers, letterhead, envelopes, advertisement, legal advice, web hosting, etc.)
* Buy CASPIAN a banner ad on a high-traffic website
* Start a local CASPIAN chapter
* Organize a protest
* Get your group (political, social, religious) involved in the anti-RFID effort
* Picket "trial" monitoring programs at your local store
* Think twice before buying any product or participating in any program that requires you to sacrifice your privacy, freedom, or self-respect in exchange for convenience, "rewards," or so-called "savings."
* Being registered, numbered, catalogued, and watched is going to backfire on all of us someday. Help protect future generations by refusing to participate.
source: spychips
Friday, June 19, 2009
“UFO’s” In Sacred Works Of Art Not All That They Initially Appear To Be

“UFO’s” In Sacred Works Of Art Not All That They Initially Appear To Be
by Michael Naisbitt
Now, nearly everyone who has a basic knowledge of UFO’s and UFO related phenomenon has some knowledge of the purported UFO’s which are visible in works of art from throughout the ages.
This was originally to be dedicated to that exact subject; however upon researching the subject thoroughly it quickly became apparent that these UFO’s are not all that they initially appear to be.
This is especially true with the majority of paintings which depict religious events or have religious connotations. There are still some artworks where the apparent UFO connection is impossible to deny, but the majority of the ones that I had previously believed were UFO’s can (and hopefully will) be explained!!
The Annunciation (pictured) is one of the artworks that was a major disappointment, at least as far as I was concerned. As you can see from the picture, it would appear to depict a UFO shooting some sort of beam of light onto the crown which adorns the head of the Virgin Mary.
Now there are a couple of things that are worth noting with this painting, not least of all that it appears to show a classic UFO shape.
CIA Recruiting Laid-Off Bankers in NYC
CIA Recruiting Laid-Off Bankers in NYC
NEW YORK – Laid off from Wall Street? The CIA wants you -- as long as you can pass a lie detector test and show that you are motivated by service to your country rather than your wallet.
The Central Intelligence Agency has been advertising for recruits and will be holding interviews on June 22 at a secret location in New York.
"Economics, finance and business professionals, if the quest for the bottom line is just not enough for you, the Central Intelligence Agency has a mission like no other," one radio advertisement for the agency says.
"Join CIA's directorate of intelligence and be a part of our global mission as an economic or financial analyst. Make a difference in your career and for your nation," it says.
Ron Patrick, a spokesman for recruitment and retention at the CIA, told Reuters Television the agency had received several hundred resumes so far from applicants ranging from people just out of graduate school to laid-off bankers.
"It's going to be a very different use of their skill set than perhaps they've used on Wall Street," Patrick said.
Recruits will have to pass rigorous background and medical checks, as well as a polygraph, or lie-detector test.
Starting salaries range from around $60,000 for a new graduate to $100,000 for somebody with more experience, and top out at $160,000. Generous benefits are included.
NEW YORK – Laid off from Wall Street? The CIA wants you -- as long as you can pass a lie detector test and show that you are motivated by service to your country rather than your wallet.
The Central Intelligence Agency has been advertising for recruits and will be holding interviews on June 22 at a secret location in New York.
"Economics, finance and business professionals, if the quest for the bottom line is just not enough for you, the Central Intelligence Agency has a mission like no other," one radio advertisement for the agency says.
"Join CIA's directorate of intelligence and be a part of our global mission as an economic or financial analyst. Make a difference in your career and for your nation," it says.
Ron Patrick, a spokesman for recruitment and retention at the CIA, told Reuters Television the agency had received several hundred resumes so far from applicants ranging from people just out of graduate school to laid-off bankers.
"It's going to be a very different use of their skill set than perhaps they've used on Wall Street," Patrick said.
Recruits will have to pass rigorous background and medical checks, as well as a polygraph, or lie-detector test.
Starting salaries range from around $60,000 for a new graduate to $100,000 for somebody with more experience, and top out at $160,000. Generous benefits are included.
Inside the Military’s Secret Terror-Tagging Tech
Inside the Military’s Secret Terror-Tagging Tech
Wired | Jun 3, 2009
By David Hambling
The story that the CIA uses tiny homing beacons to guide their drone strikes in Pakistan may sound like an urban myth. But this sort of technology does exist, and might well be used for exactly this purpose. It might even have been the “secret weapon” that Bob Woodward said helped the American military pacify Iraq.
The military has spent hundreds of millions of dollars researching, developing, and purchasing a slew of “Tagging tracking and locating” (TTL) gear — gizmos designed to keep covertly tabs from far away. Most of these technologies are highly classified. But there’s enough information in the open literature to get a sense of what the government is pursuing: laser-based reflectors, super-strength RFID tags, and homing beacons so tiny, they can be woven into fabric or into paper.
Some of the gadgets are already commercially available; if you’re carrying around a phone or some other mobile gadget, you can be tracked – either through the GPS chip embedded in the gizmo, or by triangulating the cell signal. Defense contractor EWA Government Systems, Inc. makes a radio frequency-based “Bigfoot Remote Tagging System” that’s the size of a couple of AA batteries. But the government has been working to make these terrorist tracking tags even smaller.
Wired | Jun 3, 2009
By David Hambling
The story that the CIA uses tiny homing beacons to guide their drone strikes in Pakistan may sound like an urban myth. But this sort of technology does exist, and might well be used for exactly this purpose. It might even have been the “secret weapon” that Bob Woodward said helped the American military pacify Iraq.
The military has spent hundreds of millions of dollars researching, developing, and purchasing a slew of “Tagging tracking and locating” (TTL) gear — gizmos designed to keep covertly tabs from far away. Most of these technologies are highly classified. But there’s enough information in the open literature to get a sense of what the government is pursuing: laser-based reflectors, super-strength RFID tags, and homing beacons so tiny, they can be woven into fabric or into paper.
Some of the gadgets are already commercially available; if you’re carrying around a phone or some other mobile gadget, you can be tracked – either through the GPS chip embedded in the gizmo, or by triangulating the cell signal. Defense contractor EWA Government Systems, Inc. makes a radio frequency-based “Bigfoot Remote Tagging System” that’s the size of a couple of AA batteries. But the government has been working to make these terrorist tracking tags even smaller.
Video: Kissinger threatens regime change in Iran if coup fails
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Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Wat

Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship
Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, June 18, 2009
President Obama’s plan to give the privately-owned and unaccountable Federal Reserve complete regulatory oversight across the entire U.S. economy, which is likely to be enacted before the end of the year, will officially herald the beginning of a new form of government in the United States - an ultra-powerful banking dictatorship controlled by a small gaggle of shadowy and corrupt elitists.
The new rules would see the Fed given the authority to “regulate” any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets.
This goes a step further than the centrally planned economies of the Soviet Union or Communist China, in that the Federal Reserve is not even accountable to the U.S. government, it is a private entity that according to former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, is accountable to nobody but the banking families that own it.
Obama’s regulatory “reform” plan is nothing less than a green light for the complete and total takeover of the United States by a private banking cartel that will usurp the power of existing regulatory bodies, who are now being blamed for the financial crisis in order that their status can be abolished and their roles handed over to the all-powerful Fed.
According to an Associated Press report today, Democratic leaders have committed to enacting the plan before the end of the year and Republicans in both the House and Senate have indicated that they won’t stand in the way of the overhaul.
“The final plan….is expected to sidestep most jurisdictional disputes and simply impose across the board standards to be applied by all financial regulators, according to administration and industry sources, ” reports the Washington Times.
In other words, the Fed, which is already totally unaccountable to Congress, is to be placed in complete control of the entirety of the U.S. financial system, to do as it wishes without repercussion.
Judge rejects argument Cheney needs to be shielded from Daily Show
Judge rejects argument Cheney needs to be shielded from Daily Show
By Raw Story
Published: June 19, 2009
Tired of waving the national security flag, Obama administration lawyers are apparently trying another tactic to get the courts to back Bush administration arguments which never worked to prevent the release of critical documents. Forget Qaeda or North Korea, late night hosts who tell jokes are why the government should retain its secrets.
“A federal judge yesterday sharply questioned an assertion by the Obama administration that former Vice President Richard B. Cheney’s statements to a special prosecutor about the Valerie Plame case must be kept secret, partly so they do not become fodder for Cheney’s political enemies or late-night commentary on The Daily Show,” R. Jeffrey Smith reports for The Washington Post.
The AP reports, “Justice Department lawyers told the judge that future presidents and vice presidents may not cooperate with criminal investigations if they know what they say could become available to their political opponents and late-night comics who would ridicule them.”
“If we become a fact-finder for political enemies, they aren’t going to cooperate,” Justice Department attorney Jeffrey Smith said. “I don’t want a future vice president to say, `I’m not going to cooperate with you because I don’t want to be fodder for ‘The Daily Show.’”
More from the Post:
" U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan expressed surprise during a hearing here that the Justice Department, in asserting that Cheney’s voluntary statements to U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald were exempt from disclosure, relied on legal claims put forward last October by a Bush administration political appointee, Stephen Bradbury. The department asserted then that the disclosure would make presidents and vice presidents reluctant to cooperate voluntarily with future criminal investigations.
But career civil division lawyer Jeffrey M. Smith, responding to Sullivan’s questions, said Bradbury’s arguments against the disclosure were supported by the department’s current leadership. He told the judge that if Cheney’s remarks were published, then a future vice president asked to provide candid information during a criminal probe might refuse to do so out of concern “that it’s going to get on ‘The Daily Show’ ” or somehow be used as a political weapon.
Sullivan said Bradbury, who was the acting head of the Office of Legal Counsel, was not obviously qualified to make such claims and that they were in any event unsubstantiated. Sullivan said the department needed new evidence, if it hoped to prevail, and said the administration should supply him with a copy of Cheney’s statements so he could directly assess whether the claims are credible."
By Raw Story
Published: June 19, 2009
Tired of waving the national security flag, Obama administration lawyers are apparently trying another tactic to get the courts to back Bush administration arguments which never worked to prevent the release of critical documents. Forget Qaeda or North Korea, late night hosts who tell jokes are why the government should retain its secrets.
“A federal judge yesterday sharply questioned an assertion by the Obama administration that former Vice President Richard B. Cheney’s statements to a special prosecutor about the Valerie Plame case must be kept secret, partly so they do not become fodder for Cheney’s political enemies or late-night commentary on The Daily Show,” R. Jeffrey Smith reports for The Washington Post.
The AP reports, “Justice Department lawyers told the judge that future presidents and vice presidents may not cooperate with criminal investigations if they know what they say could become available to their political opponents and late-night comics who would ridicule them.”
“If we become a fact-finder for political enemies, they aren’t going to cooperate,” Justice Department attorney Jeffrey Smith said. “I don’t want a future vice president to say, `I’m not going to cooperate with you because I don’t want to be fodder for ‘The Daily Show.’”
More from the Post:
" U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan expressed surprise during a hearing here that the Justice Department, in asserting that Cheney’s voluntary statements to U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald were exempt from disclosure, relied on legal claims put forward last October by a Bush administration political appointee, Stephen Bradbury. The department asserted then that the disclosure would make presidents and vice presidents reluctant to cooperate voluntarily with future criminal investigations.
But career civil division lawyer Jeffrey M. Smith, responding to Sullivan’s questions, said Bradbury’s arguments against the disclosure were supported by the department’s current leadership. He told the judge that if Cheney’s remarks were published, then a future vice president asked to provide candid information during a criminal probe might refuse to do so out of concern “that it’s going to get on ‘The Daily Show’ ” or somehow be used as a political weapon.
Sullivan said Bradbury, who was the acting head of the Office of Legal Counsel, was not obviously qualified to make such claims and that they were in any event unsubstantiated. Sullivan said the department needed new evidence, if it hoped to prevail, and said the administration should supply him with a copy of Cheney’s statements so he could directly assess whether the claims are credible."
Insane’ file-sharing verdict could challenge law’s constitutionality
Insane’ file-sharing verdict could challenge law’s constitutionality
By Muriel Kane
Published: June 19, 2009
In the first file-sharing case to go to trial in the United States, a Minnesota jury has ruled that a 32 year old woman must pay the music industry $1.92 million dollars for illegally making 24 songs available for sharing from her hard drive.
The woman, Jammie Thomas-Rasset, had originally been accused of uploading 1700 songs to Kazaa. An earlier verdict of $220,000 was overturned because of a faulty jury instruction, with the judge describing even that lower amount as “unprecedented and oppressive.”
After today’s ruling, Thomas-Rasset called the damages “ridiculous” and said she had no means of paying them. A representative of the Recording Industry Association of America said the music companies were willing to settle for a much smaller amount, which based on past cases might still be in the tens of thousands of dollars.
A blog entry at technology news site ZDNet, however, describes the verdict as “insane” and suggests that it “could prove [the] RIAA’s downfall.”
Lawyer and tech writer Richard Koman points out several serious problems with the amount of the verdict. For example, the law used in the case normally prescribes damages of $750 to $30,000 per infringement. The judgement against Thomas-Rasset comes out to $80,000 per song — an amount which is considered appropriate only when there has been “willful” infringement, which would seem to mean a crime committed for profit or out of a desire to do deliberate harm.
By Muriel Kane
Published: June 19, 2009
In the first file-sharing case to go to trial in the United States, a Minnesota jury has ruled that a 32 year old woman must pay the music industry $1.92 million dollars for illegally making 24 songs available for sharing from her hard drive.
The woman, Jammie Thomas-Rasset, had originally been accused of uploading 1700 songs to Kazaa. An earlier verdict of $220,000 was overturned because of a faulty jury instruction, with the judge describing even that lower amount as “unprecedented and oppressive.”
After today’s ruling, Thomas-Rasset called the damages “ridiculous” and said she had no means of paying them. A representative of the Recording Industry Association of America said the music companies were willing to settle for a much smaller amount, which based on past cases might still be in the tens of thousands of dollars.
A blog entry at technology news site ZDNet, however, describes the verdict as “insane” and suggests that it “could prove [the] RIAA’s downfall.”
Lawyer and tech writer Richard Koman points out several serious problems with the amount of the verdict. For example, the law used in the case normally prescribes damages of $750 to $30,000 per infringement. The judgement against Thomas-Rasset comes out to $80,000 per song — an amount which is considered appropriate only when there has been “willful” infringement, which would seem to mean a crime committed for profit or out of a desire to do deliberate harm.
Alcohol Abuse By GIs Soars Since 2003
Alcohol Abuse By GIs Soars Since 2003
Published on 06-19-2009
Source: USA Today
The rate of Army soldiers enrolled in treatment programs for alcohol dependency or abuse has nearly doubled since 2003 — a sign of the growing stress of repeated deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Army statistics and interviews.
Soldiers diagnosed by Army substance abuse counselors with alcoholism or alcohol abuse, such as binge drinking, increased from 6.1 per 1,000 soldiers in 2003 to an estimated 11.4 as of March 31, according to the data. The latest data cover the first six months of the fiscal year that began in October.
"We're seeing a lot of alcohol consumption," Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the Army's vice chief of staff, told top officers during a briefing on the Army's growing number of suicides.
In a statement to USA TODAY, Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed concern. "I'm sure there are many factors for the rising numbers (of enrollments) ... but I can't believe the stress our people are under after eight years of combat isn't taking a toll," he said.
Likewise, Marines who screen positive for drug or alcohol problems increased 12% from 2005 to 2008, according to Marine Corps statistics. In addition, there were 1,060 drunken-driving cases involving Marines during the first seven months of fiscal 2009, which began in October, compared with 1,430 cases in all of fiscal 2008.
In an interview last week, Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Carlton Kent said alcohol abuse is an indication of the stress, particularly with the ongoing cycle of combat deployments. "Alcohol can tie into a lot of things, and we're just keeping a close eye on it," Kent said.
Mullen and Chiarelli said the U.S. needs to reduce the overall number of deployed troops as planned to ease the strain.
Concerns about alcohol abuse led Chiarelli to issue a memo in May urging commanders to treat and, where necessary under Army rules, punish soldiers who test positive for substance abuse or fail blood-alcohol tests. During a visit to six Army installations this year, Chiarelli said, he found hundreds of cases where soldiers who failed those tests, in some cases more than once, were not treated for the problem or processed for possible discharge, as required by Army regulation.
Published on 06-19-2009
Source: USA Today
The rate of Army soldiers enrolled in treatment programs for alcohol dependency or abuse has nearly doubled since 2003 — a sign of the growing stress of repeated deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Army statistics and interviews.
Soldiers diagnosed by Army substance abuse counselors with alcoholism or alcohol abuse, such as binge drinking, increased from 6.1 per 1,000 soldiers in 2003 to an estimated 11.4 as of March 31, according to the data. The latest data cover the first six months of the fiscal year that began in October.
"We're seeing a lot of alcohol consumption," Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the Army's vice chief of staff, told top officers during a briefing on the Army's growing number of suicides.
In a statement to USA TODAY, Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed concern. "I'm sure there are many factors for the rising numbers (of enrollments) ... but I can't believe the stress our people are under after eight years of combat isn't taking a toll," he said.
Likewise, Marines who screen positive for drug or alcohol problems increased 12% from 2005 to 2008, according to Marine Corps statistics. In addition, there were 1,060 drunken-driving cases involving Marines during the first seven months of fiscal 2009, which began in October, compared with 1,430 cases in all of fiscal 2008.
In an interview last week, Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Carlton Kent said alcohol abuse is an indication of the stress, particularly with the ongoing cycle of combat deployments. "Alcohol can tie into a lot of things, and we're just keeping a close eye on it," Kent said.
Mullen and Chiarelli said the U.S. needs to reduce the overall number of deployed troops as planned to ease the strain.
Concerns about alcohol abuse led Chiarelli to issue a memo in May urging commanders to treat and, where necessary under Army rules, punish soldiers who test positive for substance abuse or fail blood-alcohol tests. During a visit to six Army installations this year, Chiarelli said, he found hundreds of cases where soldiers who failed those tests, in some cases more than once, were not treated for the problem or processed for possible discharge, as required by Army regulation.
To fight deflation, abolish cash. Could Japan make reality of ‘science fiction’?
To fight deflation, abolish cash. Could Japan make reality of ‘science fiction’?
Published on 06-19-2009
Source: Times Online
With recovery elusive, a population doddering into old age and perhaps a decade of deflation in prospect, Japan may start mulling the most radical monetary policy of all — the abolition of cash.
Unorthodox, untried and, said one Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi strategist, “in the realms of economic science fiction”, the recommendation has nevertheless begun floating around Tokyo’s corridors of power and economists have described Japan as particularly suitable as a testing ground.
The search for more outré economic policies continues, despite the recent surge in the Nikkei 225 index.The market may be reflecting soaring Chinese investment, rising consumer confidence and other cheerful data but economists see few long-term beacons of hope for Japan.
Other extreme ideas mooted by the financial authorities include a tax on physical currency or introducing one to operate alongside the yen.
All three ideas are based on a theory concerning interest rates and the concept that a nominal rate of zero — as Japan has now lived with for much of the past decade — may be too high. In Japan’s case, the theory would suggest that nominal rates of -4 per cent might be closer to what is required to rescue the economy from another deflationary spiral. Having agreed that this might be necessary, the next question is how it could be imposed.
Several MPs in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party believe the abolition of cash, though politically radioactive, might be technically feasible. Richard Jerram, a senior economist with Macquarie bank, told investors that “the proposal has become practical with the broad penetration of electronic money and credit cards in Japan”.
Published on 06-19-2009
Source: Times Online
With recovery elusive, a population doddering into old age and perhaps a decade of deflation in prospect, Japan may start mulling the most radical monetary policy of all — the abolition of cash.
Unorthodox, untried and, said one Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi strategist, “in the realms of economic science fiction”, the recommendation has nevertheless begun floating around Tokyo’s corridors of power and economists have described Japan as particularly suitable as a testing ground.
The search for more outré economic policies continues, despite the recent surge in the Nikkei 225 index.The market may be reflecting soaring Chinese investment, rising consumer confidence and other cheerful data but economists see few long-term beacons of hope for Japan.
Other extreme ideas mooted by the financial authorities include a tax on physical currency or introducing one to operate alongside the yen.
All three ideas are based on a theory concerning interest rates and the concept that a nominal rate of zero — as Japan has now lived with for much of the past decade — may be too high. In Japan’s case, the theory would suggest that nominal rates of -4 per cent might be closer to what is required to rescue the economy from another deflationary spiral. Having agreed that this might be necessary, the next question is how it could be imposed.
Several MPs in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party believe the abolition of cash, though politically radioactive, might be technically feasible. Richard Jerram, a senior economist with Macquarie bank, told investors that “the proposal has become practical with the broad penetration of electronic money and credit cards in Japan”.
Japan warns that North Korea may fire missile at U.S. on Independence Day

Japan warns that North Korea may fire missile at U.S. on Independence Day
North Korea may launch a long-range ballistic missile towards Hawaii on American Independence Day, according to Japanese intelligence officials.
The missile, believed to be a Taepodong-2 with a range of up to 4,000 miles, would be launched in early July from the Dongchang-ni site on the north-western coast of the secretive country.
Intelligence analysts do not believe the device would be capable of hitting Hawaii’s main islands, which are 4,500 miles from North Korea.
Details of the launch came from the Japan’s best-selling newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun.
Both Japanese intelligence and U.S. reconnaissance satellites have collated information pointing to the launch, according to the report.
It is understood the communist state is likely to fire the missile between July 4 and 8. A launch on July 4 would coincide with Independence Day in the States.It would also be the 15th anniversary of North Korean president Kim Il-Sung’s death.
The Japanese newspaper also noted that North Korea had fired its first Taepodong-2 missile on July 4, 2006.
source: mail online
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Iran accuses the US of meddling in election crisis
Iran accuses the US of meddling in election crisis
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI – 2 hours ago
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran directly accused the United States of meddling in the deepening crisis over a disputed presidential election and broadened its media clampdown Wednesday to include blogs and news Web sites. But protesters took to the streets in growing defiance of the country's Islamic rulers.
The sweep of events — including more arrests and a call for another mass opposition march through Tehran — displayed the sharpening attacks by authorities but also the unprecedented challenges directed at the very heart of Iran's Islamic regime: its supreme leader and the cleric-run system.
Any serious shift of the protest anger toward Iran's non-elected theocracy would sharply change the stakes. Instead of a clash over the June 12 election results, it would become a showdown over the core premise of Iran's system of rule — the almost unlimited authority of the clerics at the top.
For the moment, however, both sides appear to be using the same tactics since the disputed results showed hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the landslide winner.
Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi called for another mass rally Thursday in defiance of Iran's most powerful figure, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has urged the nation to unite behind the Islamic state.
Authorities rounded up perceived dissidents and tried to further muzzle Web sites and other networks used by Mousavi's backers to share information and send out details of Iran's crisis after foreign journalists were banned from reporting in the streets.
Officials also stepped up claims that foreign hands have been behind the unrest.
An Iranian statement blamed Washington for "intolerable" interference in the showdown over allegations of vote-rigging and fraud. The report, on state-run Press TV, cited no evidence.
It said the government summoned the Swiss ambassador, who represents U.S. interests in Iran, to complain about American interference. The two countries severed diplomatic relations after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI – 2 hours ago
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran directly accused the United States of meddling in the deepening crisis over a disputed presidential election and broadened its media clampdown Wednesday to include blogs and news Web sites. But protesters took to the streets in growing defiance of the country's Islamic rulers.
The sweep of events — including more arrests and a call for another mass opposition march through Tehran — displayed the sharpening attacks by authorities but also the unprecedented challenges directed at the very heart of Iran's Islamic regime: its supreme leader and the cleric-run system.
Any serious shift of the protest anger toward Iran's non-elected theocracy would sharply change the stakes. Instead of a clash over the June 12 election results, it would become a showdown over the core premise of Iran's system of rule — the almost unlimited authority of the clerics at the top.
For the moment, however, both sides appear to be using the same tactics since the disputed results showed hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the landslide winner.
Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi called for another mass rally Thursday in defiance of Iran's most powerful figure, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has urged the nation to unite behind the Islamic state.
Authorities rounded up perceived dissidents and tried to further muzzle Web sites and other networks used by Mousavi's backers to share information and send out details of Iran's crisis after foreign journalists were banned from reporting in the streets.
Officials also stepped up claims that foreign hands have been behind the unrest.
An Iranian statement blamed Washington for "intolerable" interference in the showdown over allegations of vote-rigging and fraud. The report, on state-run Press TV, cited no evidence.
It said the government summoned the Swiss ambassador, who represents U.S. interests in Iran, to complain about American interference. The two countries severed diplomatic relations after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
If You Are Stressed Now, Just Wait
If You Are Stressed Now, Just Wait – Policymakers Have Created A Perfect Storm.
(Paul Craig Roberts) – Economic news remains focused on banks and housing, while the threat mounts to the US dollar from massive federal budget deficits in fiscal years 2009 and 2010.
Earlier this year the dollar’s exchange value rose against currencies, such as the euro. UK pound, and Swiss franc, against which the dollar had been steadily falling. The dollar’s rise made US policymakers complacent, even though the rise was due to flight from over-leveraged financial instruments and falling stock markets into “safe” Treasuries. Since April, however, the dollar has steadily declined as investors and foreign central banks realize that the massive federal budget deficits are likely to be monetized.
What happens to the dollar will be the key driver of what lies ahead. The likely scenario could be nasty.
America’s trading partners do not have large enough trade surpluses to finance a federal budget deficit swollen to $2 trillion by gratuitous wars, recession, bailouts, and stimulus programs. Moreover, concern over the dollar’s future is causing America’s foreign creditors to seek alternatives to US debt in which to hold their foreign reserves.
(Paul Craig Roberts) – Economic news remains focused on banks and housing, while the threat mounts to the US dollar from massive federal budget deficits in fiscal years 2009 and 2010.
Earlier this year the dollar’s exchange value rose against currencies, such as the euro. UK pound, and Swiss franc, against which the dollar had been steadily falling. The dollar’s rise made US policymakers complacent, even though the rise was due to flight from over-leveraged financial instruments and falling stock markets into “safe” Treasuries. Since April, however, the dollar has steadily declined as investors and foreign central banks realize that the massive federal budget deficits are likely to be monetized.
What happens to the dollar will be the key driver of what lies ahead. The likely scenario could be nasty.
America’s trading partners do not have large enough trade surpluses to finance a federal budget deficit swollen to $2 trillion by gratuitous wars, recession, bailouts, and stimulus programs. Moreover, concern over the dollar’s future is causing America’s foreign creditors to seek alternatives to US debt in which to hold their foreign reserves.
Is California The Next GM?

Is California The Next GM?
With GM’s bankruptcy no longer hanging over Wall Street, perhaps now investors can get their minds right for some really bad news. We’re talking about the looming bankruptcy of California, of course, and of at least a few more big-budget states whose books are in equally disastrous shape, including New York, Arizona, New Jersey, Nevada, Rhode Island and Florida. All told, the 50 states are looking at budget shortfalls totaling $350 billion over the next two-and-a-half years, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
A disaster is taking shape before our eyes, although you’d never know it from all the celebrating that’s been going on in the stock market. Consider these sobering statistics from the Rockefeller Institute. They were cited by our colleague Bill Buckler of The Privateer, one of our favorite reads : “[With California leading the pack,] state tax collections continued to fall in the first quarter as muted consumption, falling incomes and weak profits plunged the states into a deeper fiscal hole,” writes Buckler. “The 47 states that have reported first-quarter revenues saw total tax collections fall 12.6 percent compared with the first three months of 2008. The steepest drops were in income taxes due to climbing unemployment. Corporate taxes declined 16.2 percent in the latest quarter, reflecting weaker profits. Personal income taxes fell 15.8 percent. Sales taxes were down 7.6 percent. Forty-five of the 47 states saw revenues decline.”
Is Larry Summers Taking Kickbacks From the Banks He’s Bailing Out?
Is Larry Summers Taking Kickbacks From the Banks He’s Bailing Out?
Via: AlterNet:
Last month, a little-known company where Summers served on the board of directors received a $42 million investment from a group of investors, including three banks that Summers, Obama’s effective “economy czar,” has been doling out billions in bailout money to: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley. The banks invested into the small startup company, Revolution Money, right at the time when Summers was administering the “stress test” to these same banks.
A month after they invested in Summers’ former company, all three banks came out of the stress test much better than anyone expected — thanks to the fact that the banks themselves were allowed to help decide how bad their problems were (Citigroup “negotiated” down its financial hole from $35 billion to $5.5 billion.)
The fact that the banks invested in the company just a few months after Summers resigned suggests the appearance of corruption, because it suggests to other firms that if you hire Larry Summers onto your board, large banks will want to invest as a favor to a politically-connected director.
Last month, it was revealed that Summers, whom President Obama appointed to essentially run the economy from his perch in the National Economic Council, earned nearly $8 million in 2008 from Wall Street banks, some of which, like Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, were now receiving tens of billions of taxpayer funds from the same Larry Summers. It turns out now that those two banks have continued paying into Summers-related businesses.
According to filings obtained for this story, Summers first joined the board of directors of Revolution Money back in 2006 (when it was called “GratisCard”), the same year that Summers was forced to resign as president of Harvard after his disastrous tenure. Revolution Money/GratisCard was a startup headed by former AOL chief Steve Case. Revolution Money billed itself as the Next Big Thing in online payment, “PayPal meets Mastercard,” according to their own pitch.
In September 2007, Revolution Money announced that it had raised $50 million from a group of investors including Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank. Some found the investment strange even then, because normally big banks don’t get involved in seeding small startups — that’s the domain of venture capitalists, not mega-banks. Especially not in September, 2007, when these same megabanks were Chernobyling their way into full-fledged balance-sheet meltdown.
Via: AlterNet:
Last month, a little-known company where Summers served on the board of directors received a $42 million investment from a group of investors, including three banks that Summers, Obama’s effective “economy czar,” has been doling out billions in bailout money to: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley. The banks invested into the small startup company, Revolution Money, right at the time when Summers was administering the “stress test” to these same banks.
A month after they invested in Summers’ former company, all three banks came out of the stress test much better than anyone expected — thanks to the fact that the banks themselves were allowed to help decide how bad their problems were (Citigroup “negotiated” down its financial hole from $35 billion to $5.5 billion.)
The fact that the banks invested in the company just a few months after Summers resigned suggests the appearance of corruption, because it suggests to other firms that if you hire Larry Summers onto your board, large banks will want to invest as a favor to a politically-connected director.
Last month, it was revealed that Summers, whom President Obama appointed to essentially run the economy from his perch in the National Economic Council, earned nearly $8 million in 2008 from Wall Street banks, some of which, like Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, were now receiving tens of billions of taxpayer funds from the same Larry Summers. It turns out now that those two banks have continued paying into Summers-related businesses.
According to filings obtained for this story, Summers first joined the board of directors of Revolution Money back in 2006 (when it was called “GratisCard”), the same year that Summers was forced to resign as president of Harvard after his disastrous tenure. Revolution Money/GratisCard was a startup headed by former AOL chief Steve Case. Revolution Money billed itself as the Next Big Thing in online payment, “PayPal meets Mastercard,” according to their own pitch.
In September 2007, Revolution Money announced that it had raised $50 million from a group of investors including Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank. Some found the investment strange even then, because normally big banks don’t get involved in seeding small startups — that’s the domain of venture capitalists, not mega-banks. Especially not in September, 2007, when these same megabanks were Chernobyling their way into full-fledged balance-sheet meltdown.
Vatican endorses genetically modified organisms for food security
Vatican endorses genetically modified organisms for food security
Source: National Catholic Reporter - John L Allen Jr
ROME, Italy – In what seemed largely a foregone conclusion, a May 15-19 study week on genetically modified organisms sponsored by the Pontifical Academy for Sciences ended with a strong endorsement of GMOs as “praiseworthy for improving the lives of the poor,” and promising “improved food safety and health benefits, better food security, and enhanced environmental performance in a sustainable manner.”
Although the Pontifical Academy for Sciences is a prestigious Vatican body, it does not set official church teaching, and it remains unclear whether its conclusions will drive the Vatican toward a formal position on GMOs.
While a concluding document from the study week had not been released as NCR went to press, participants who characterized its content said its pro-GMO conclusions enjoyed “unanimous agreement” among the 41 experts from 17 countries who took part.
Organized by German scientist Ingo Potrykus, the inventor of “golden rice,” the study week had beencriticized by anti-GMO activists for including only voices already convinced of the benefits of genetically modified crops. This is the second time that the Pontifical Academy of Sciences has endorsed GMOs, following an initial report adopted in 2001 and published in 2004.
Critics charge that GMOs give excessive control over farming practices to large agribusiness corporations, and pose unknown risks to both the environment and human health.
In general, the aim of the academy’s weeklong event seemed less to conduct an objective appraisal of GMOs than to mobilize public support, aiming to overcome what participants see as burdensome regulations and negative public images that sometimes stand in the way of the wider adoption of GMOs, especially in Europe and in parts of the developing world, above all Africa.
Source: National Catholic Reporter - John L Allen Jr
ROME, Italy – In what seemed largely a foregone conclusion, a May 15-19 study week on genetically modified organisms sponsored by the Pontifical Academy for Sciences ended with a strong endorsement of GMOs as “praiseworthy for improving the lives of the poor,” and promising “improved food safety and health benefits, better food security, and enhanced environmental performance in a sustainable manner.”
Although the Pontifical Academy for Sciences is a prestigious Vatican body, it does not set official church teaching, and it remains unclear whether its conclusions will drive the Vatican toward a formal position on GMOs.
While a concluding document from the study week had not been released as NCR went to press, participants who characterized its content said its pro-GMO conclusions enjoyed “unanimous agreement” among the 41 experts from 17 countries who took part.
Organized by German scientist Ingo Potrykus, the inventor of “golden rice,” the study week had beencriticized by anti-GMO activists for including only voices already convinced of the benefits of genetically modified crops. This is the second time that the Pontifical Academy of Sciences has endorsed GMOs, following an initial report adopted in 2001 and published in 2004.
Critics charge that GMOs give excessive control over farming practices to large agribusiness corporations, and pose unknown risks to both the environment and human health.
In general, the aim of the academy’s weeklong event seemed less to conduct an objective appraisal of GMOs than to mobilize public support, aiming to overcome what participants see as burdensome regulations and negative public images that sometimes stand in the way of the wider adoption of GMOs, especially in Europe and in parts of the developing world, above all Africa.
Obama Admits US Involvement in Iran Coup
Obama Admits US Involvement in Iran Coup in 1953, But Doesn't Admit American Involvement in False Flags
Published on 06-04-2009
Source: GW's Blog
Obama has admitted that the U.S. was involved in the Iranian coup in 1953.
I applaud the president for admitting this fact.
When will the U.S. admit that the U.S. was not only "involved", but - as documented by the New York Times - Iranians working for the C.I.A. in the 1950's posed as Communists and staged bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected president (see also this essay)?
And when will America admit that - as confirmed by a former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence - that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism. As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: "You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security."
And when will we admit that - as confirmed by recently declassified documents - in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. If you view no other links in this article, please read the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings?
Because the important admission is not that the U.S. helped with a coup, but that America and virtually all other powerful nations throughout history have used "false flag terror" as means to political ends.
Published on 06-04-2009
Source: GW's Blog
Obama has admitted that the U.S. was involved in the Iranian coup in 1953.
I applaud the president for admitting this fact.
When will the U.S. admit that the U.S. was not only "involved", but - as documented by the New York Times - Iranians working for the C.I.A. in the 1950's posed as Communists and staged bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected president (see also this essay)?
And when will America admit that - as confirmed by a former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence - that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism. As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: "You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security."
And when will we admit that - as confirmed by recently declassified documents - in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. If you view no other links in this article, please read the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings?
Because the important admission is not that the U.S. helped with a coup, but that America and virtually all other powerful nations throughout history have used "false flag terror" as means to political ends.
Oklahoma Highway Patrol fight with an EMT unit
Posted in
Videos of Power
Illuminated One |
Oklahoma Highway Patrol fight with an EMT unit
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Lloyd Pye - Everything you Know is Wrong
Posted in
Videos of Power
Illuminated One |
Lloyd Pye - Everything you Know is Wrong
Israeli Proposal: Make Jordan The official Palestinian Homeland Published on 06-03-2009
Israeli Proposal: Make Jordan The official Palestinian Homeland
Published on 06-03-2009
Source: Christian Science Monitor
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior members of his cabinet have pushed back hard against a renewed US demand to end settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories. Interior Minister Eli Yishai said Sunday that it amounted to "expulsion."
But 53 Israeli parliamentarians have moved to explore another kind of expulsion: Under a proposal to be reviewed this week, Jordan would become the official homeland for Palestinians now living in the West Bank.
Among the challenges facing the proposal is this: nobody asked Jordan if it would support such a plan.
Not surprisingly, it doesn't.
Nearly half of the Knesset's 120 members moved last Wednesday to pass the "two states for two peoples on the two banks of the River Jordan" proposal on to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for further discussion.
Israeli officials say the Knesset's vote does not represent the government's position and is unlikely to become official policy, while analysts dismiss it as a bid from the far right to undermine Mr. Netanyahu. But for many in Jordan, the bill personifies concerns about Israel's new, conservative government and its lack of commitment to the peace process.
"It has done big damage," says Mamdouh Abbadi, a member of the Jordanian parliament who has been among the most vocal in calling for government action against the proposal. "Even if it's not passed, when 53 members of the parliament [Knesset] accept this law in the first reading, this is very important. We can't think it's just for show; it's the real thinking of the Israeli parliament and they represent the people."
Last week, Jordan's foreign minister summoned the Israeli ambassador to deliver an official letter rejecting the idea and calling for the Israelis to stop the bill last week. In parliament, a group of at least 36 lawmakers are working to encourage their government to take strong action against Israel.
Right-wing idea, but some support from left.
Published on 06-03-2009
Source: Christian Science Monitor
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior members of his cabinet have pushed back hard against a renewed US demand to end settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories. Interior Minister Eli Yishai said Sunday that it amounted to "expulsion."
But 53 Israeli parliamentarians have moved to explore another kind of expulsion: Under a proposal to be reviewed this week, Jordan would become the official homeland for Palestinians now living in the West Bank.
Among the challenges facing the proposal is this: nobody asked Jordan if it would support such a plan.
Not surprisingly, it doesn't.
Nearly half of the Knesset's 120 members moved last Wednesday to pass the "two states for two peoples on the two banks of the River Jordan" proposal on to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for further discussion.
Israeli officials say the Knesset's vote does not represent the government's position and is unlikely to become official policy, while analysts dismiss it as a bid from the far right to undermine Mr. Netanyahu. But for many in Jordan, the bill personifies concerns about Israel's new, conservative government and its lack of commitment to the peace process.
"It has done big damage," says Mamdouh Abbadi, a member of the Jordanian parliament who has been among the most vocal in calling for government action against the proposal. "Even if it's not passed, when 53 members of the parliament [Knesset] accept this law in the first reading, this is very important. We can't think it's just for show; it's the real thinking of the Israeli parliament and they represent the people."
Last week, Jordan's foreign minister summoned the Israeli ambassador to deliver an official letter rejecting the idea and calling for the Israelis to stop the bill last week. In parliament, a group of at least 36 lawmakers are working to encourage their government to take strong action against Israel.
Right-wing idea, but some support from left.
$100 Billion Bailout For IMF Tagged On To War Funding Bill

$100 Billion Bailout For IMF Tagged On To War Funding Bill
Steve Watson
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
$100 Billion Bailout For IMF Tagged On To War Funding Bill 030609IMF
Democrats in Congress have agreed to provide a $100 billion credit line to the International Monetary Fund, tagging it onto the war supplemental intended for operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.
The measure would also increase the U.S. member contribution to the IMF by $8 billion and authorize the United States to back the IMF’s plan to sell 400 tons (12.97 million ounces) of gold, according to lawmakers’ aides quoted in a Reuters report.
This would fulfil Obama’s pledge to the G20 in April, to contribute toward a $500 billion boost for the IMF, which it says will go toward “helping poorer nations” during the economic downturn.
However, what the The Treasury Department is really proposing is an international version of the Wall Street bailout; a $100 billion bailout for the IMF, which amounts to a bailout for European banks facing big losses in Central and Eastern Europe.
If the bill pasess, we will see $100 billion in U.S. tax dollars simply handed over to foreign banks with no oversight.
U.S.-Israeli relationship takes new direction Published on 06-03-2009
U.S.-Israeli relationship takes new direction
Published on 06-03-2009
JERUSALEM - Pressure. Defiance. Collision. After George W. Bush's terms of endearment for Israel -- a country he once described as a "light unto nations" -- a different terminology is being used to describe its cloudy relationship with his successor, Barack Obama.
At odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Palestinian statehood and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the new U.S. president will try to patch ties with the Muslim world in an address he will deliver in Egypt on Thursday.
Israelis and Arabs will be listening carefully for one of Obama's expected messages -- policy Netanyahu has met with defiant words -- that creation of a Palestinian state is essential for peace and settlement expansion must stop.
The U.S.-Israeli rift after eight years of a Bush presidency that pursued statehood only late in its second term and turned a blind eye to settlement building is raising questions over whether a close alliance will deteriorate into alienation.
Maariv, a popular Israeli newspaper, summed it up in a one-word, front-page headline on Tuesday: "Pressure".
Published on 06-03-2009
JERUSALEM - Pressure. Defiance. Collision. After George W. Bush's terms of endearment for Israel -- a country he once described as a "light unto nations" -- a different terminology is being used to describe its cloudy relationship with his successor, Barack Obama.
At odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Palestinian statehood and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the new U.S. president will try to patch ties with the Muslim world in an address he will deliver in Egypt on Thursday.
Israelis and Arabs will be listening carefully for one of Obama's expected messages -- policy Netanyahu has met with defiant words -- that creation of a Palestinian state is essential for peace and settlement expansion must stop.
The U.S.-Israeli rift after eight years of a Bush presidency that pursued statehood only late in its second term and turned a blind eye to settlement building is raising questions over whether a close alliance will deteriorate into alienation.
Maariv, a popular Israeli newspaper, summed it up in a one-word, front-page headline on Tuesday: "Pressure".
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