“UFO’s” In Sacred Works Of Art Not All That They Initially Appear To Be
by Michael Naisbitt
Now, nearly everyone who has a basic knowledge of UFO’s and UFO related phenomenon has some knowledge of the purported UFO’s which are visible in works of art from throughout the ages.
This was originally to be dedicated to that exact subject; however upon researching the subject thoroughly it quickly became apparent that these UFO’s are not all that they initially appear to be.
This is especially true with the majority of paintings which depict religious events or have religious connotations. There are still some artworks where the apparent UFO connection is impossible to deny, but the majority of the ones that I had previously believed were UFO’s can (and hopefully will) be explained!!
The Annunciation (pictured) is one of the artworks that was a major disappointment, at least as far as I was concerned. As you can see from the picture, it would appear to depict a UFO shooting some sort of beam of light onto the crown which adorns the head of the Virgin Mary.
Now there are a couple of things that are worth noting with this painting, not least of all that it appears to show a classic UFO shape.