The New Paradigm
Posted by sakerfa on June 2, 2009
Our paradigm or worldview provides a framework to organize new information. This is how we “make sense of the world.” We filter out what doesn’t fit. We can’t seem to learn what doesn’t conform to our paradigm, i.e. prejudices or “education.” Paradigms can be liberating or prisons, depending on how true to reality they are.
(This is the substance of a talk I gave at the launch of my book “Illuminati” at Conspiracy Culture Bookstore in Toronto on May 21 & 22.)
About ten years ago, my paradigm began to change when i realized that the government, media & education were actively sabotaging society. I had imbibed feminist and Illuminist propaganda (i.e. “sexual liberation”) and was confused and dysfunctional. When I discovered that I couldn’t question feminist shibboleths in a university setting, I knew something was very wrong.
Until this recognition, I had seen government, education & media as relatively open, benign and democratic. I attributed evil to random conflicts between classes, nations, races and religions. Evil was unorganized, a default mode due to human fallibility. History was determined by “great” men. I actively participated in the political process.
The atrocities of 9-11 and the bogus “war on terror” made me realize that evil is highly organized and centralized. It is not accidental but the product of a planned long-term conspiracy to degrade, demoralize and enslave humanity using wars, depressions and depravity. History is determined by straw men, i.e. banker puppets.
Of course they want us to believe wars are caused by nations, races and religions in order to dissolve these collective identities and create one homogeneous mass, easier to control.