Edible Vaccines and Flying Syringes
Published on 06-02-2009
Source: Old-Thinker News - Daniel Taylor
When genetically modified foods were first introduced, the biotech industry hailed tomatoes that were frost resistant and round-up ready crops. Now, there is a further development in biotech that has received little attention in the mainstream media. Serious environmental and health concerns still surround GM food safety, but new technologies are being developed to turn foods into vaccine delivery systems. While there may be positive angles to this technology, we must take into account the long term goals of the establishment, which is already invested in the research and development of edible vaccine technology.
Edible vaccines
In 1996 the Rockefeller Foundation supplied grant money for early research on edible vaccines. The $58,000 grant, given to the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research at Cornell University, was aimed at developing and transferring edible vaccine technology to developing countries. Cornell University reports,
"Researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research Inc. at Cornell now will begin exchanging new vaccine information with scientists in developing countries, starting with Mexico, thanks to a new Rockefeller Foundation grant.
Gomez-Lim and his American colleagues will try to verify the value of "edible" vaccines and to begin educational efforts in Mexico to facilitate the rapid adoption of these vaccines for safe and effective use."
Charles Arntzen, who served as President of the Boyce Thompson Institute, can be heard here explaining the use of bananas as edible vaccines in developing countries.
In 1998 the Boyce Thompson Institute became the first to develop genetically modified potatoes which were successfully tested on human subjects. "The potatoes were developed through a process known as transgenic implantation, in which a gene is transferred from one species to another. In this case the gene for a bacterial antigen -- the protein that stimulates the production of protective antibodies -- was inserted into the potato plant cells," reports BTI.
The article continues,
"Children of developing countries may not be the only beneficiaries of this new technology. Says Arntzen: 'American kids will also probably prefer being vaccinated by an edible vaccine rather than by a needle.'"
Edible vaccines - which have been given scant coverage in the mainstream media - received attention in the wake of the recent swine flu outbreak. Iowa State University research "...may someday allow pigs and humans to get a flu vaccination simply by eating corn or corn products," reports ISU. "The corn vaccine would also work in humans when they eat corn or even corn flakes, corn chips, tortillas or anything that contains corn, said Harris."